Yes, I brought home a dozen little fluffy baby chicks last week and set them up in the bunkhouse in an empty stock tank:

I'm currently getting 7 or 8 eggs from 10 chickens, but about every 3 years or so, I bring in new chicks, as the older girls will at some point reach the end of their egg-laying days. Don't worry - they still get to live out their days being pampered with the rest of the feathered flock, roaming the homestead in free-range fashion and digging through the horse pens in search of delectable morsels.
In the meantime, these little peeps:
Are being kept toasty warm under the heat lamp until they outgrow their nursery tub:
So cute Karin! We, too, are going to be getting new chicks real soon. We have a new coop/yard for them, that just got finished. My youngest can't wait! Have a great day.
ReplyDeleteDo you have a coop where the chickens roost at night? My niece has chickens (here in the city) but has had a horrible time losing them to what she thinks is a raccoon. This is with a coop AND a fenced/covered yard. She keeps replacing them and I give her a hard time saying 'oh no, more doomed chickens' when she gets the new ones. Poor chickens...LOL.
ReplyDeleteAdorable! I stopped at Murdoch's yesterday and had to admire the little guys for a bit.
ReplyDeleteWe had chickens and we loved them! At one time I had 22 chickens! I don’t think it will happen again. We are too old now, and enjoying our new puppy. She is an Australian Shepherd and she keeps me walking!
ReplyDeleteWhat??!!!! No chicken and dumplings???? 😂🐓❤️ We raised banties when we first moved here and I loved gathering the "little" eggs. Always one hen that wanted to peck or get as many eggs under her as she could and try to hatch them. Do your kitties bother them?
ReplyDeleteI LOVE baby chicks! I love chickens. Period. But getting any around here is like buying food for the coyotes and foxes. Two years ago, I had 16 guineas, last spring I had 8, and I'm down to only 2 now. The numbers slowly dwindle as one by one, something gets hold of them. I don't coop them up, because I want them to just do their thing, but I also feel bad that their lifespan around here is pretty short. When my last laying hen got killed, I said no more chickens, but now that I'm down to 2 guineas, I'm thinking about getting 3 more, because if something happens to one of the remaining two, I don't want the last one to be left alone! Such a quandary! The babies are so adorable, but they grow sooooo fast!
ReplyDeleteThey are so sweet looking!! I love looking at the babies when I go to the tractor supply store. I can’t have any but I love looking. Hugs,
ReplyDeleteahh, so cute.
ReplyDeleteI had to promise not to buy any this year, but I'm really hoping at least one of my girls goes broody and will hatch/raise some chicks. =)
You reminded me of the fond memories of going to the co op with my Grandmother in the spring when she would bring home a new batch of chicks. I do not have many photos of my Grandmother, but one of the few I do have is a photo of her feeding her chickens.
ReplyDeleteCute little chicks! Our son just got some Cornish Game hens and they are planning on getting some laying hens. They are building their coop now.
ReplyDeleteWould there be any way to get in touch with you? I am interested in getting a copy of the Pony Tales quilt pattern from you if possible or even the horse applique part. I think I can figure out the rest. I have looked high and low for it. Thank you! Looking forward to hearing from you.....