Wednesday, May 22, 2019

A Visit With Our Boy

When Blueberry Muffins are cooling in my kitchen, it means one thing:

Our boy was home for a visit and that made this Mama's heart happy! Seems we always put the kids to work when they come home:

He and DH cut down an old storage tank,

And stacked it to the side until we were able to bring a trailer out and load the metal:

But after work, there is always time for fun

And around here, this is what we do for fun

I treasure times like this

I'm so proud of this kid and the path he has chosen to walk and I love that he and his Dad were able to spend this time together. It was the best Mother's Day present!


  1. So sweet! Glad ya'll got to spend time together! Muffins look yummy!

  2. It's so wonderful when our children choose to come home and spend time with us, especially for Mother's Day. It seems like this boy was really just a boy when I first started following your blog and he looks like more of a man than a boy. Children grow up so fast!

  3. Yah, I'm glad your boy was able to come visit for a bit Karin. It's nice he can help out around the place, as well as just have some fun with his parents.

  4. Family is everything!
    And now I want to make blueberry muffins. :)

  5. What a great way to spend Mother’s Day.

  6. I love it!! and..... aren't you supposed to put your kids to work? I thought that was the whole purpose of begging them to come back home? ha ha ha!! Glad you had a great time!
