Monday, May 13, 2019

Helping Hands

Last Thursday, DH and I left at 5 a.m. and headed up to help his dad do this:

My FIL is 81 and has recently, single-handedly, replaced all the windows in their home. We knew he had the 2 living room windows left. He's of the generation that doesn't ask for help, but it's handy to have an extra pair of hands when you're replacing an 8' window:

And these hands are working hands

My FIL orders one window at a time so we'll be back up for the 2nd window and some point, but window #1 was the order of the day:

Their little munchkin of a dog was the official supervisor

For these two, any job worth doing, is a job worth doing well

Don't know what was up with this styrofoam, but that stinker was NOT coming off! It was attached with some kind of ridiculous adhesive. It took longer to remove that than it did to install the window.

Even a job they don't particularly enjoy, turns into a treasured memory through a photo so maybe my pesky habit of snapping pictures all the time will one day be appreciated. 😉 I love this shot:

I loved watching these two work together

 My FIL is pretty handy and this is a case of the apple not falling far from the tree and I think he enjoys it

More than he'll let on

 After the window was installed, we took my MIL out for a Mother's Day dinner and we were back home by 3. I'm thankful that we only live 2 hours from them - close enough that we can help - even though they won't ask for it, but spending time with his Dad is the best part.



  1. Wonderful photo's Karin, such warmth and love coming out of them. Isn't it wonderful having handy men around??! Hope you had a lovely Mothers Day.

  2. Fantastic photos of father and son!

  3. Oh my goodness...that view. Perfect spot for a sewing machine or a quilting frame. From someone who lives in a touristy town in Florida and longs to be in the mountains...I'm so envious.

  4. That is so sweet! I love all these pictures.

  5. Love it!! and Love the one window at a time - your FIL and I could be friends that way - ha ha!!

  6. This just warms my heart! How wonderful your FIL is so talented and still finds purpose with his life. Sweet sweet memories for everyone. (Reading this has helped me find a bright spot in a challenging day)
