Sunday, June 2, 2019

A Welcome Soak

Yep, we finally got that soak I mentioned we'd been praying for:

On Thursday we had 0.3 here at the house and 0.8 on the East end so this makes us pretty giddy:

Then we added this overnight:


I almost hesitate to even post about it as I know many of you are dealing with rising flood water levels, but for us, it's an answer to prayer and it'll help get us through the summer. I think the chickens are the only ones squawking

about the fact that their yard has been transformed into a lake:

I think this desert is about to break out in a blaze of blooms and we are very thankful:


  1. Don't mind us stuck in floods, I'm still happy for you that you got the much needed rain. ;^)

  2. I was wondering how you were doing with water and rain and hoping you were getting lots but not too much. Glad to know you're happy with the amount of rain you're getting.

  3. Yah Karin! Glad you got some much needed rain. We've had a few weeks now of rain on and off. So thankful for it, as our spring has stayed going and it will carry us thru the summer and into Fall. Have a great day!

  4. We could use some rain here, too. Glad you got yours!

  5. We've had way too much rain, and I sure wish we could have sent you some of it! I'm glad you got what you needed for now. I'm afraid that we're getting all of ours right now, and will be desperate for it later in the year. I wish we could spread it out.
