Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Under the Needle: June

Sheesh! How in tarnation can it already be the first week of July?! Seems like every time I turn around, I'm gearing up for another Under the Needle post. I've gotten pretty good at sneaking into my sewing room and pressing or piecing or cutting or pulling something for one project or another when I get the chance.

Before I dive into my post, I wanted to drop a note for one of my readers, Violet - I wanted to reply to your very kind comment on my last post, but I have no way to contact you. If you'll drop me an email or leave me your e-mail address, I'll get back to you. :)

This month I made 150 flying geese for a quilt for our boy:

I pieced this quilt using a jelly roll I bought a few years ago:

And I made 40 pinwheels for another quilt using charm squares of Bluebirds and Roses that I have:

We went to the mountains and spent Father's Day with my FIL. DH shod his Dad's horses and they rode through mountains:

I visited with my MIL and added some stitches to my EPP project.

This quilt would get done a lot faster if I lived here because I want to spend hours on their deck, soaking in the cool mountain air. I would start every morning out here:


This is the perfect binding spot:

And my finish this month is this little Spring Splash Paisley Quilt:


And a second bonus finish is this Monkey Business Quilt:

And that's a wrap for June. 😊


  1. I know Karin, geesh this year is flying by!!! Glad you had some nice June finishes and starts. Your in-laws place looks like a great place to hang out :)

  2. That's so cool that you guys are able to spend time with the folks!! And it does look like a beautiful place to do that. My dad's been gone since 1988 and my mom since 2000--seems like an eternity. You are getting lots done!!

  3. Yes, you've found the perfect spot for binding and stitching. Mind if I bring my knitting and join you? Love all the blocks and pieces of blocks you've been making. The pinwheel fabrics are cheerful.

  4. What great views your in-laws have! I'd be sitting out there, too! I can't believe this year is already half over. I'm just not ready yet.

  5. I can't believe all you get done--and ranching besides!
    What a beautiful place to stitch. Gotta love the view!

  6. You get so much done, Karin! I wanna be you for a little while. ;-)
    Both of your finishes are gorgeous. I love the alternate squares in the monkey quilt. Very fun.
    I think I would put a sewing machine on that deck and take full advantage of the fresh air.
    Love your in-progress quilts. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with those blue geese!

  7. I can imagine sitting on that porch binding a quilt!! Love all your projects. It's good to keep hands busy rather than idle.....of course, an ocassional nap is good, too!!! Happy Summer, Karin!!
