Saturday, August 3, 2019

What Should I Read Next

As those of you who have been reading here for some time know, I am an avid reader. I always have a book on my Kindle and I love audio books, but there is nothing that beats an honest to goodness real book. I am also a fan of a podcast called What Should I Read Next, by Anne Bogel aka: the modern Mrs. Darcy. However, it has increased my TBR (To Be Read) pile exponentially. For many of us bookworms, the what should I read next question is the first thing that pops into our heads the second we read the last sentence of our current book. Well, today I finished a book (Rainwater) and DH walked in with the mail that included a package from my mom. When I opened it, I found this:

The latest novel from my favorite teacher of all time. Mrs. Meacham was my high school English teacher and sponsor when I was editor of the school paper and I adored her. She was tough. And old school. And charming. And a southern lady. She encouraged my love of the written word - definitely not a popular trait with the cool kids. However, I never was one of those and Mrs. Meacham was smart enough to know that didn't matter one whit then...nor now.

In her 60's, she became an author. She is now 80, still writing up a storm, and today I had no problem answering that question. At 562 pages, it might be a while, but there are leftovers for dinner and freshly baked cookies so DH won't go hungry and he has assured me that for the time being, my sidekick services are not needed. I am eager to dive into the pages:


  1. How cool Karin!! Looks like a good book too, let me know how you like it.

  2. I LOVE that you like to read. I am the same and have been that way all my life and I don't have one single friend who likes to do the same. They eyeroll when trying to find me and I'm not answering my cellphone but reading the next chapter. NONE of them enjoy reading. That's okay... I don't want the cure for that. What they are missing..

  3. How neat that you have a personal connection with the author. And how sweet of your Mother to treat to the book. I may take your lead and search my library for her books. Thank you for the idea. Dotti in CT

  4. I LOVE that you are reading books written by someone you know well and admire!! I keep a 'books to read' list on my library account online and when I'm nearing the end of the last book (usually check out 3-4 at a time), I place a hold on 3 or 4 more. Often I'll go to and browse the offerings and check the reviews.

  5. I've not heard of this book. It looks really interesting. I added it to my tbr. Are you on goodreads? I'd like to friend you or follow. We could share book info.
    My teen son and I had a summer reading challenge this year; who could read the most pages each month. I won June, but he kicked my bum in July.
    I'm currently reading See What I Have Done about Lizzie Borden. But for the month of August I'm reading Austen in August.

  6. It would be fun for you to post the books you read. My go to read list are the ones who post what they have read and rated them with a brief review.
    Have fun with this new book— and what great memories you have.

  7. What a very cool gift! It's so exciting that you know a real author, and so wonderful that she had such a strong influence on you when you were younger. I just checked my library, and she has several books available to borrow, either electronically or the actual books. What a treat! Thank you for recommending her!

  8. oops! I misinterpreted the library's symbols. There's no audiobook at this point, but they do have large print editions. Can't wait to check one out!

  9. I love to read too. Been doing it since learning at age 6. And no one in my family is a reader. Trek to the library alone but still love it. And your former teacher writes and remembers YOU...That's so special! Enjoy your book. The closest I've come to knowing an author is one who write NOW is the sister of a boy who sat next to me all the way through school in last name alphabetical order world. She's a new author and I know her brother..ha. I can't own any more books. The house is overflowing and most are quilt ones. Had to pare down when we moved states and it was like parting with children. Very upsetting so now it's the library and returning on time.

  10. That is so cool! How many books does she have out? I need to look those up!

  11. That’s really special!

  12. Where the Crawdads Sing, Educated and Before We Were Yours are good reads

  13. Now how did I miss the fact that she had a new book out! Thanks! Going to download it now!

  14. How cool to have been taught by her!! let us know how you like it!

  15. I too am an avid reader - I love that your English teacher took this up and now sends you books - how fantastic!

  16. How fun to have this connection to an author. Kudos to her for pursuing her dream and sticking with it. I'll have to look into her books.

  17. Oh my gosh!! I had to tell you the book I just finished was SO GREAT! It was As Bright As Heaven by Susan Meissner. I know your list is as long as mine but it's a book worth being on your list imho! If a book makes me cry, that puts it up with the best for me and I cried! LOL

  18. I was at the library Monday and actually picked up this book. I'm enjoying the read and I'll look for the others she's written the next time I'm there. It makes it more special since I now know more information about the author. Happy Stitching!
