Saturday, September 21, 2019

Something to Bind

It's been a while. I'm not really able to sew, but the binding was made months ago and I think I'm going to give my knee a test run this weekend and try stitching it on to the front because I picked up these quilts from Jackie last week and I am determined to bind something after so many months. Here's hoping I'll be stitching soon. 1008" of binding ought to keep me out of least for a little while.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Scoped and Healing

Just popping in to give ya'll an update and let ya'll know that all went well with my knee scope yesterday. In the big scheme of things, this is just a small blip, but I haven't had much experience with hospitals or surgeries and to be honest, I was a little anxious. A few years ago I attended a local conference and purchased this T-shirt:

I should have bought another because I'm wearing this one out. I wanted to share the accompanying Scripture that put my mind and heart as ease:

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9

I know that many of you are going through trials and tribulations and I pray that this too brings ya'll some measure of peace and comfort.

My doctor removed cartilage shrapnel from my knee, cleaned up my shredded patella, and sent me home.

My knee was so unstable before the surgery that I was sure a ligament was compromised, but I'm no doctor - I'll ask him about that when I go back for my follow-up.

I've been given orders to keep it elevated for 48 hours and ice it a lot so this is my view for the time being:

More reading on the agenda:

And I'm beginning to plan our Fall Cow Works menu as we begin weaning the first week in October. I'm digging through this box of saved recipes today - before Pinterest 😄 - in search of some new treasures.

I'm being a model patient as I need to be back on my feet for that. DH is an awesome nurse...bossy, but sweet. 😉 Between he and Skeet, I'm in good hands...and paws

I was even served supper in bed - that's a first. I've never eaten a meal in bed and I'm not a fan, but it was delicious:

So all is well. I'm behaving, following the rules, and staying out of trouble, but I'm not liking it much. 48 hours isn't really that long, but I'm looking forward to moving on to the next phase and finding blessings in the moment.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

A Little Road Trip

Yes, all is well. I simply haven't been spending much time on the computer. Thank ya'll for your well wishes, thoughts, and prayers as I continue to hobble around on my trusty crutches. I know I need to rest my knee, but I'm not a very good rest-er although I will never turn down a  good nap!

DH has been a big help. Yesterday we went to town for my pre-op. I told him to drop me off, go ahead and run errands and then we could head back home after he picked me up. Efficiency is the name of the game when we make trips into town because we want out as quickly as possible. On very rare occasions DH has been to the grocery store with me and he picks up 2 or 3 things if I need something when he's in town, but he's never actually been grocery shopping without me. Poor guy is lost in there. It made me smile when he phoned to ask me about what kind of this or that he needed to get. He found some new things too. 😉

I was in and out of the hospital quickly and even had a good visit with the nurse who ran the EKG - our chiddlers were in 4-H together and DH and I have always enjoyed visiting with her and her husband so it was good to catch up. After I finished, I found this pretty spot outside while I waited for DH:

I am so grateful that the brutal summer  heat has disappeared. DH shot in a USPSA match this past weekend in Albuquerque and the weather was amazing:

Yes, I went and hobbled through. We were able to pull the truck into each bay and I sat and read in comfort when DH wasn't shooting or when I wanted to rest my knee. Then I hobbled out and videoed his runs. I felt badly that DH had to do all the loading and unloading, but I love watching him shoot. The early birds congregate to discuss stage plans and we are always the early birds.

I like shooting too, just not in public or in competition. Both the truck bed and back seat were fully loaded. Good thing we're empty nesters because there wasn't room for kids. 😉

Call us picky, but yes, we travel with our own pillows and a quilt...of course. It was a 2-day shoot and we take a cooler full of water, snacks, and food for lunch, but we splurged on supper Saturday night:

I ordered (and shared with DH) the (gigantic) shrimp wrapped with bacon, stuffed with cheese and jalapeno, served on dirty rice and it was one of the best meals I've ever eaten in a restaurant.

I've been careful about what I've been eating since I'm not able to walk and be as active as I was before I wrecked my knee and I was surprised to see I'd lost 6#. Not a lot, but certainly better than gaining it!

The orthoscopic countdown continues. The 17th is getting closer. I am ready to retire the crutches!