Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Scoped and Healing

Just popping in to give ya'll an update and let ya'll know that all went well with my knee scope yesterday. In the big scheme of things, this is just a small blip, but I haven't had much experience with hospitals or surgeries and to be honest, I was a little anxious. A few years ago I attended a local conference and purchased this T-shirt:

I should have bought another because I'm wearing this one out. I wanted to share the accompanying Scripture that put my mind and heart as ease:

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9

I know that many of you are going through trials and tribulations and I pray that this too brings ya'll some measure of peace and comfort.

My doctor removed cartilage shrapnel from my knee, cleaned up my shredded patella, and sent me home.

My knee was so unstable before the surgery that I was sure a ligament was compromised, but I'm no doctor - I'll ask him about that when I go back for my follow-up.

I've been given orders to keep it elevated for 48 hours and ice it a lot so this is my view for the time being:

More reading on the agenda:

And I'm beginning to plan our Fall Cow Works menu as we begin weaning the first week in October. I'm digging through this box of saved recipes today - before Pinterest 😄 - in search of some new treasures.

I'm being a model patient as I need to be back on my feet for that. DH is an awesome nurse...bossy, but sweet. 😉 Between he and Skeet, I'm in good hands...and paws

I was even served supper in bed - that's a first. I've never eaten a meal in bed and I'm not a fan, but it was delicious:

So all is well. I'm behaving, following the rules, and staying out of trouble, but I'm not liking it much. 48 hours isn't really that long, but I'm looking forward to moving on to the next phase and finding blessings in the moment.


  1. Hang in there! You will be back I. Your feet in no time!

  2. I’m so glad you are finally resting! Our Lord is so wonderful. My grandson will have knee surgery on Oct. 2 from a football injury. I don’t like these hurtful sports, and didn’t let my children play. Now his Senior year of sports is finished. He will have lots of time for studies. I’m thankful you are in good hands. I’ve wanted to make comments to prior posts but I had something turned off. I am your faithful follower, even if I don’t make comments. We are still in Texas. It has been so hot and I won’t come next year. We are fine. Take care and prayers for a good recovery.

  3. Hope you heal well. Thanks for encouraging verse.

  4. i would recommend ice for longer than 48 hours. I iced for a few weeks, keeps the swelling down. Hope everything goes smoothly and I do like that Joshua scripture. Skeet looks very protective. Blessings, Dotti in CT

  5. So glad you even know how a model patient behaves....LOL!!!!! I knew your man would step up to home plate when you needed him to, Your meal looks awesome. Karin, I'm praying that the cleanout and scrapping fixes you right up. Now, just don't get cocky and hurt yourself before fall works!!! 😬😃💖

  6. Do hope your knee heals well and that you will be up and about before you know it. Enjoy this pampering stage of the journey.

  7. Hope your feeling well soon. Easy as you go or you will pay for it. Ask me how I know.

  8. Good to hear that the surgery went well and that you're following doctor's orders. Don't rush your recovery.

  9. Ice and elevation are your friends. And if in doubt, ice and elevate.

    Dropping in via i'net, I hope you have a kitchen helper lined up, because being on your feet to serve the kinds of spreads/meals I've observed in the past is going to be more than you should plan on handling in two weeks. You will have exercises to do to get the mobility back, so take care of yourself.

  10. I'm so grateful to God for answering all of our prayers! I know it's difficult to not be able to take care of yourself and have to depend on others...I've been there. Some of my favorite go to verses when I am anxious or worried are in Philippians 4:5-9...especially verse seven. So thankful that this was fairly easy to treat and that you will soon be up and back at your normal routine. Normal routine - it's a beautiful thing!

  11. I am glad it is over for you...and hope that you heal quickly and feel much relief. That scripture verse is good at any time in this world. Seems like we all have troubles .

  12. Hoping you feel better soon and can be up and about.

  13. Oh MAN!! Bedrest..the WORST! HA Sounds like you're on the mend and hope that knee's up to snuff by the time the cowboys come lookin' for chow!! Skeet's too cute.

  14. Glad you are doing better! Sounds like you have a great nurse and nursing assistant! Glad to see a picture of Skeet! I am sure he wants you up and running too!

  15. So glad things went well Karin. I hope your recovery is quick. Take care.

  16. We have to take care of ourselves in order to take care of others. Enjoy this leisure time you have been given. May God bless you with a speedy recovery.

  17. Hang in there girl. This too shall pass. Don't be discouraged when you can't jitter-bug immediately. When the body has an insult like yours, it takes time to get back to where you were before your injury. I'm happy DH is stepping up and taking care of you. New recipes will be fun to discover and serve. I hope all goes well for you.

  18. I tried so hard to be a model patient after my foot surgery, but staying down when you're normally up and at it seems interminable. My poor Cowboy sure had his hands full with me! Skeet looks like an awesome nurse -- he's probably a bit worried about you. I'm so glad it's over and that it went well, and I hope the recovery is super speedy!

  19. So sorry you have to (had to?) be laid up for a few days. It IS hard when we can't get around and do whatever we want. I hope your knee is feeling better and that sewing on the binding didn't cause problems. Does you doctor tell you you need to take it easy for a few weeks or can you go right back to what you were doing? (I would be surprised if you can.) Take care!
