Monday, October 7, 2019

A Seal of Approval from Skeet

We've had one child home for a week, the other came a few days later, and now we're running into the beginning of weaning season. By the time we finish with that, it'll be the end of October. One day at a time. Right now, I'm just soaking in the little things:

Our boy rescued a litter of kittens behind his workplace a few weeks ago and a friend of his who works at the VFW offered to take them in and find them homes. One of those tiny babies now lives with our boy. Meet Bud (aka:Buddy)

So sweet seeing this tiny kitten bond with our 6'2" son:

The head of ranch security was on the job:

And Bud was given the seal of approval:


And a friendship begins:


Honestly, he is the best dog ever:

He's got a heart of gold:

Bud's now officially part of the family and later today, when our girl arrives, it'll be pure bedlam with critters hither and yon and I wouldn't have it any other way!


  1. Awwww, how sweet Karin! So glad the animals get along. And I'm glad you had some visitors too. How are you doing? How's the knee?

  2. Those pictures are adorable! There is nothing more heartwarming than seeing a big, burly man loving on a kitten, puppy or baby!!! Of course I always love seeing pictures of Skeet!!! Thanks for sharing! They made my day!!!

  3. Those are the BEST photos! Have looked several times. Just GREAT!!!

  4. CUTENESS!! What a great kid to sweep in and rescue little kittens! And that little Skeet is just adorable with the kitten. Hope all's going good with the knee.

  5. Love the photos of Skeet and Bud. Glad to hear your kiddos had time to visit the ranch.

  6. Oh, how precious!! Skeet is such a good dog to be nice to the kitty. I can see why your son adopted Bud, the kitty tilts his head back just so and looks up, just adorable!

  7. It seems that Skeet could use a kitten of his own too. :-)

  8. You gave your children a love for critters, and that is good. Enjoy your family. Hope you are doing well.

  9. Okay, that is all kinds of cute!!!

    Thank you for sharing.

  10. Who said real men don't like cats. Those are the sweetest pictures. Enjoy the visitors (the two legged and the four legged kind). ;^)

  11. Oh, I love these sweet photos, Karin!

  12. How sweet! I just love that Skeet!

  13. Oh so very very sweet! and those photos!! They are adorable!

  14. What could be cuter than a kitten meeting a huge dog (in comparison) who is gentle and accepting? Sweet Skeet and an adorable kitten.
