Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Our day at the sale barn was L-O-N-G on Monday. We knew we were getting in 700 cows from one place. Add to that another 2270 hd of cattle and everyone expected an extra long day. The sale always starts at 9 a.m., but we made an exception this week and began at 7:00 a.m. (I had to be there at 6:30) and finished at 8:30 p.m....which was 2 hours earlier than we had anticipated, but 14 hours is still a REALLY long day.  If you've ever been to a sale barn, you know that the pace is FAST and it does not stop. We are blessed that we have a sweet girl who is able to sub for us long enough to give us a bathroom break and to eat dinner though. I'm a clerk in the ring and  we have to be on the ball every single second because multiple things are taking place at once. So this pretty much sums up how I felt last night:

This is our 2nd week of Fall Cow Works which means I'm back in the kitchen - Tuesday through Saturday, but DH took mercy on me and the rest of the fellas that are on the crew that also work at the sale barn and cancelled breakfast this morning, allowing me to sleep in until 5:15 and then fix breakfast for just the 2 of us. I hauled them out this morning and am headed to the kitchen to mix up dough for rolls and pull dinner together.

I made my menu last week and put in another order through the pick-up app. I did go into the store to pick up fresh produce because I was disappointed with the selection last week. The avocados I received weren't fit to eat, but I am still a fan of getting my groceries this way.

I always get requests for recipes when I'm cooking for the boys, but I haven't really had anything new or different to share. I made an apple cake with a cream cheese brown sugar frosting last time, but as yummy as it sounded, it didn't make the cut. I had good reviews from some of the crew, but DH and I just weren't impressed. We'll see how this week goes. Wishing all of ya'll a week filled with His blessing and all the things that bring you joy! I am off to find my joy in the kitchen!


  1. I tried out the ordering/delivery of groceries when it was just starting and no delivery fee being charged. I didn't order a lot (as it's just me) and was aggravated at the 2 or 3 emails needing to sub stuff and get my OK or no way response. That's probably a really good idea to pick out your own fresh stuff and I'm sure with your busyness, the order/pickup thing comes in really handy! Hope the time flies and you're back to a slower pace soon.

  2. Good early morning my Friend. Enjoy the quiet morning, cooking up a storm. lol

  3. Choosing the produce is the one holdup that has kept me from trying the pickup thing. I'm always afraid they'll give me the stuff they're trying to get rid of! I can usually send a list with My Cowboy and talk him into picking it all up on his way home from cattle check, since he's within a few miles of the store on his way home. But we don't cook for a crowd, so it's much easier for just us two!

  4. Hi Karin-I sent you an email regarding the pattern. It may have gone to your spam folder.

  5. Such a busy time of year! We're getting buried in snow today and dealing with minus temperatures for a couple of days. So I'll just pull out some quilting and hunker down. :)
