Saturday, November 30, 2019

Quilt Shop Stop Ahead

Our girl's been in Oklahoma for 18 months and although I've been there a couple of times, her Daddy never has. She makes the trip home quite a bit (we'll take her and our boy anytime we can get them) and it hasn't been long since her last visit. This last weekend we remedied that with a little  road trip that allowed us time to catch up on podcasts:

On a 7 hour trip, we pass through 2 decent sized towns and lots of little towns with 500 residents. One of those little towns has a quilt shop. It's hard to resist a shop called Front Porch Quilts

When you bring up their website, this is what it says:

It's a little shop, with lots of treasures.

I assured DH that I only wanted to pop my head in for a minute. Famous last words. LOL. So, as much as I would have liked to linger, I hurried  as much as one can hurry in a sweet little quilt shop where folks are friendly and a good visit is always welcome.
I snapped a few fast pictures - Texans are proud of their country and state - these patterns are popular:

Western prints are big sellers too and I was tempted, but I have 2 bins of western fabrics and need to use some of what I have first:

They have a wall of patterns:

And books:

And a good selection of tempting fabrics

and sample quilts from which to choose:

She was starting a big sale and I caved to temptation. It's been a good while since I bought fabric. This plaid really spoke to me so I bought the rest of the bolt - 9 yards - half price. It'll be perfect for a backing.

I bought a yard of this green check for a couple of baby quilts as well as a yard of this little flower print:

And a couple of yards of these 2 brown prints - all for $4.50 / yd

I loved these 2 Fall fabrics and bought 3 yards of the one on the left and 7 of the one on the right - $4.50 again

And I topped it all off with a layer cake of this flannel for a masculine quilt:

After our stop, we continued on. We know the way, but turn on the GPS anyway. It made me chuckle when these directions popped up:

Dairy Queens are a major spot in vast, rural Texas. Even if you have to drive 196 miles to get there.

I'll share more about our trip in my next post. I have too much I want to share for 1 post. :)


  1. Sounds like you had a nice trip Karin. That is an awful long drive! Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.

  2. I love little quilt shops like the Front Porch Quilts! Haven't seen one like that since I happened on a little shop in Medina, Tx. So glad you got to visit with your girl, too bad the boy couldn't tag along.
    I'll be moving soon! Like NEXT WEEK! I've bought the cutest little house
    outside the city limits of Uvalde. I didn't want to spend another winter
    here, too much to do and too much could go wrongs.. I've purchased a little
    rock and cedar place on just over one acre. All flat ground and no rocks!
    Several mature pecan trees, peach trees a black berry patch, a large fig
    tree and all fenced in! Surprise to find attached to the car port a small "apartment" which I'm thinking seriously of making into a quilting studio! Hope you can pass this way on one of your trips to see your mom. And you won't have to sleep on the front porch!

  3. A fun post . . . I'm glad you found some great fabric at fantastic prices.

  4. Nice quilt shop. Almost makes me want to go shopping for fabric. It is funny to see "Turn in 196 miles at DQ". Sometimes when driving across Texas, it's a long ways between turns and those DQs are a welcome sight! Glad you got to visit with your daughter and your husband was able to visit her on her own turf.

  5. This shop looks great do you know how far off Route 66 it is?

  6. I need to go there the next time we are in Texas! I found a store called, “Box Car Quilts,” and just love them. They sell the old black Singers. Their fabrics are new styles, but I didn’t notice any Western fabrics. I like your selection. I recently bought a check print for a backing. This was the first darker print for me. I usually use lighter fabrics. I’m glad you had a nice trip, but 7 hours is a long day of driving!! We are tired at 5 hours!! I’m looking forward to the rest of your post.

  7. Sounds like a great trip with some good 'get out and stretch' places to stop! LOL And you really got some great fabs..can't wait to see what they become. I know your DD was so excited to have both her folks visit!!

  8. Thanks for the virtual shopping spree! Enjoy the rest of your trip.

  9. You found some beautiful fabrics, Karin. It will be fun to see how you use them.
