Thursday, February 13, 2020

White Wednesday

We had another little winter storm blow through on Tuesday night:

And although it was 24°, I bundled up just after 6 and headed out to soak in a little of the crisp air as Wednesday dawned:

It was absolutely still and serene - a beautiful way to begin the day

Skeet is always game for an early morning adventure


And the horses were slowly ambling in from the pasture for breakfast:


We don't get a lot of snow here in the desert, but our brown winter landscape was temporarily transformed


into a winter wonderland


And Skeet was not about to miss it


Did someone say breakfast?


Skeet says, "If you'll give me just a minute, I can probably rustle you up a rabbit"

I'm glad we ventured out to enjoy the snowy morning


Because our high was 45° and the snow didn't last long

Here's hoping your feathers stay warm and dry if you have to venture out into the snow


  1. Oh so pretty Karin! Glad you got some more white stuff to enjoy :)

  2. Skeet is a character! His joyful nature makes me chuckle.

  3. The pictures are gorgeous and Skeet makes me chuckle too..

  4. Snow? You can keep it! It IS pretty from afar, though. Thanks for sharing these photos.

  5. I'm glad you got some pictures to prove it otherwise I wouldn't have believed you. Snow in the desert? Seriously! Incredible. I can ship you some anytime you want. Just say when, okay? ;^)

  6. Lovely photos! I love being out in a crisp, new snowscape.

  7. You took some beautiful snow photos, Karin. Your farm looks like a winter wonderland, the stuff of dreams (if one happens to love snow). And I do, but we are nearly snowless this winter. We've had perhaps two inches. But I love it while it's here!
