Thursday, May 14, 2020

Life with the Millers

There are so many wonderful aspects to living where we live. Fresh green chile:

Brilliant blue, sunny skies over 320 days a year:

Crisp, fresh air that invigorates your soul

and makes you want to breath in deeper

Wide open spaces

Breathtaking views

Room to explore:

And one not so wonderful aspect.

Some years they are worse than others. This year is a worse one. I have been waging a war on these cotton picking Miller moths for 2 weeks now. I spend no less than an hour every day sucking up Millers into the vaccum...1000's of them every day.

They are awful, horrid, no good, very bad, nasty, messy things that disintegrate when they are touched.  It's one disadvantage to living in an old, old, leaky ranch house, but they do not discriminate. There's not a house built that isn't battling the great Miller Moth Invasion in the state. This is what they do to the windows. I'm not cleaning windows until they are gone.

I know. It's awful. I'm sorry. Just sharing a bit of reality. Everyone around here is in the same boat. Hopefully they'll be gone soon...very soon. Today would be good or I fear we may be carried away by these vile winged-interlopers. I am editing this post to include this photo as we begin week 3. Yes, they are on this inside of the screened-in sleeping porch:

Let's end this post on a grateful note. This was the scene in my kitchen at 2:45 on Wednesday morning and yes, he's sporting his annual summer haircut - he says it's too hot for hair. LOL:

Chivalry is alive and well as I tend to breakfast for the crew. That may be the first time he's ever touched the vacuum cleaner and I didn't even ask him to.


  1. Your hubby is a hoot! Those moths are horrible! Hope they are gone soon! Are they an annual thing and some years are worse than others?

  2. UGH Karin! Doesn't look like fun. I hope they are all gone soon. It reminds me of the time, years ago, when dh and I lived in a small, old mill cabin (built for the families who worked at the lumber mill). One year we had a lady bug invasion. They were everywhere!! I like lady bugs, but not all over my cabin ceiling, thank you. lol Have a great day.

  3. I guess every place has it's challenges, some greater than others huh? I get aggravated often at my neighbors' barking dogs and cars going WAY TOO FAST on neighborhood roads in addition to other annoyances. But I have pretty much everything I need within a 10-15 min. drive. I just can't believe you are blogging this week with 2:30am wake-ups!! HA

  4. Oh my...when we first came to Florida and were looking at homes, I saw something big, black and greasy scurry across the floor. I pointed and yelled, "Giant Cockroach!" The realtor said no, those are "waterbugs". Well after we got settled and I called Terminix we found out no, they are really giant cockroaches that can fly!!! So I totally sympathize with your disgust at those little squatters. Good luck!

  5. My friend's house gets an annual invasion of lady bugs. That's pretty bad, but this is terrible! Did I read the end of your post correctly? You were up COOKING at 2:45 AM?!? YIKES!!

  6. Please don't send the Millers this way! I remember one summer we couldn't even turn on the lights at night without being inundated! UGH!

  7. I agree, they area nuisance. I remember holding basins of soapy water under the lights to trap the hoards of miller moths that descended on the farm house when I was a kid.

  8. How maddening! Hope they leave you VERY soon!!

  9. Oh I hate them!!! so sorry they are bothering you... they are so nasty!! But those other photos! WOW!! Frameable!!

  10. Your hubs is definitely a keeper--the Chinese beetle (looks like an orange lady bug) is our bain--stinky, mean and everywhere

  11. I feel your pain. Around here it's flies and Asian beetles. They don't make quite the mess on the windows that your moths do, but some, and I use the vacuum daily to suck them out of the windows by the hundreds. Sometimes I can't tell if I'm winning the battle or not!
