Friday, July 17, 2020

Lemon Crinkle Cookies

I keep hearing about how everyone is baking their way through this viral pandemic and it must be true because if you need yeast or flour or eggs you're probably out of luck because the shelves are empty. Those are staples around here, but I haven't been baking. Not one biscuit, pie, cake, cookie, or dessert has been baked in my kitchen since Christmas unless I made dessert for the crew. How sad is that? We've just been trying to be good, but early Easter morning I made these cookies and it's taken me this long to post them, but I am in need of something normal and comforting and a cookie recipe is as close as I can get today. Well, that, and a good dose of God's Word:

This is a new recipe I found here: Vintage Kitchen
We love anything lemon and I figured I could get away with a little something on Easter and this doesn't make a very big batch. I'm betting these would freeze well, but there weren't any left to freeze.

These are light and fresh with a wonderful crisp-tender texture.

Lemon Crinkle Cookies

1/2 C butter, softened
1 C sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 egg, at room temperature
grated lemon zest from 1 large lemon
2 Tbs freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/8 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 C flour
1/2 C sugar w/ lemon zest from a 2nd lemon for rolling cookies

*In a large bowl, mix butter and sugar well. Add vanilla, egg, lemon juice, and zest - mix until creamy. Mix together flour, salt, baking powder, baking soda and add to butter mixture - mixing well.
This dough is really sticky so cover tightly and chill overnight. In small container, mix 1/2 C sugar and zest from one lemon. Cover and let set until you are ready to bake cookies. Once dough is thoroughly chilled, roll into balls and then toss in sugar/zest mixture. Bake for 12 minutes at 350 on parchment lined cookie sheets.

*Again, I changed things up just a little. The original recipe calls for rolling the dough in powdered sugar, but I chose to use a granulated sugar/lemon zest mixture.


  1. OK--we are heading over the mountain to my stepson's for dinner tonight and to see our granddaughter and great granddaughter home from Germany for a few weeks. These cookies will go well with the homemade ice cream I've made--I'm going to get up right now and make them so they will have time to chill. I too love anything lemon. Thinking of you and your Mom.

  2. I made your Carrot Cake. It was outta this world. Shared with neighbors & everyone was ga ga over it !! Thanks for sharing the recipe.
    Will try these cookies and share. If you are still in Texas and need a machine to borrow, I have a Bernina 1130, that has spent its life traveling with me. You look to be close to me. You need to drive up I-35 to New Braunfels to visit Quilt Haus, lots of fabric.Take care & hope your Mom is healing.

  3. Those cookies look delicious!! Like you, I'm a big fan of anything with lemon. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  4. Thank you for sharing this recipe--I have been searching for a good lemon cookie recipe and this one looks like a keeper.

    Going to the grocery store has become an adventure--you never know what you're going to find or not find.
