Sunday, July 12, 2020

Update from Texas

I arrived back in Texas on Tuesday, the 7th and picked up my mom from the rehabilitation hospital on the afternoon of the 8th. She looked good and sounded strong, but her body was still weak. No surprise there as she was recuperating from major Sarcoma surgery that left her with a 28" surgical incision and 65 staples. Someone had sent her a huge balloon that said, "One tough cookie" ...well said. She received 50 cards while she was in rehab for 2 weeks. I told you her tribe was large and loyal. 4 different friends ordered 3 banners to welcome her home. 

A few days before I drove down, I had ordered something for her online and when Amazon delivered it, they sent me this photo:

I called the neighbors and asked why there was a card table in front of mom's house. They laughed and fessed up that they set it out so neighbors could stop and sign the banner at their convenience:

LOL. So now you may have some idea of why I am so pooped. Besides juggling mom's needs and the medical end of this, I am fielding her fan club. 

I'm not complaining. Everyone should be so loved, but I am constantly trying to keep all of my balls in the air and not hurt anyone's feelings, but I seem to forget someone now and again and I forget who I told what even though I am keeping notes. And speaking of notes:

Whew! Good gravy. My mom is a champion note taker. She writes everything down and one of her pieces of advice in every situation for years has been, "Write it down and get it in writing". So writing it down is what I've been doing throughout this journey. I have been carrying little yellow notepads everywhere for the past 8 weeks and these past few days I've been transcribing them into a Word document so that mom will not have to decipher my chicken scratch when she goes back to read everything - and read it she will. Because she's my mom and that's what she does and I took prolific notes because I knew it would be important to her.

So, home she came and we set about her recovery journey. Planning home health care and appts with her primary care physician and the radiation oncologist and it was good and then...she fell.

Late in the afternoon, on the 9th, she said she could eat some soup. I had placed an online order with HEB earlier in the afternoon and I was happily chopping and cooking away in the kitchen when I heard her fall. Nevermind that she had strict instructions to call me when she needed to get up. I was in the bedroom in 2 seconds flat and she was laying face down with her head under the bed. I called to her and she groggily answered and turned her head. I saw she already had a black eye and I called 911 and told her not to move. I flew to the door to unlock it and went back to her. EMS was there FAST and 4 EMTs assessed her. Her left eye was not dilating or reacting to light and she was nauseous...earning her a trip to the trauma center at the military hospital. They released her on the 12th and I brought her back home. I had to go through a thorough background check just to gain access to the hospital on base. Once I arrived at the visitor center I had to call a number and roll through the 'press 1 for this' and 'press 3 for this' fiasco before gaining entry to the visitor center. Then you are screened and photos are taken and you must promise them your first born child. Not quite, but close.

 After vigorous testing, no signs of bleeds or fractures, and multiple conversations with physicians about her medications, they sent her home. She remembers nothing. Not the fall. Not the EMTs. Not the ride to the hospital. She called me at midnight and said she thought she was in the hospital and why was she there and what happened. I know that is common with head injuries, but she doesn't understand that. She was upset that they cut her clothes off and sent her home in a hospital gown, but I told her she was a lovely sight and she was a good sport and we stopped for ice cream on the way home.

So, we're back to square one with the added discovery that the CT scan showed a suspicious nodule on her thyroid and they are ordering an ultrasound. Good gravy. It's all good though. I am breathing and praying and remembering in every moment that God is in control. And I am so thankful because I would be a mess if He wasn't. Praising Him for the abundant fruit in the midst of uncertainty. Thank you Sprout! 😉


  1. Wow! You do have your hands full! Your mom has a wonderful group of friends and neighbors! Hope you and your mom are doing well and she continues to improve. One day at a time. Hugs and prayers.

  2. Oh Karin, I'm so sorry your Mom had a setback. But happy to hear she is home again. Adding my prayers to the many, take care ((HUGS))

  3. Hugs - just great big giant hugs.... I am so glad you were there and that you have such keen hearing... oh my what a blessing you are to her!

  4. Oh. My. Goodness!!! Hoping for a speedy recovery from your Mom's latest "adventure." Remember to take care of YOU, while taking care of her!

  5. Sorry to hear about your Mom’s fall and setback. Continued prayers coming your way.

  6. I know this has to be difficult for you. This season of our life where the parent becomes the child is not an easy one to navigate, you and your family are in my prayers and heart. May God's comfort and continues Blessings shine upon you.

  7. Oh my. Just too much excitement! I am so sorry she fell . So glad she is back home again. As I am reading your post, I am just shaking my head, saying “oh my”. We cared for my mother at home and she also had strict instructions to not walk without someone with her. (My two sisters and I put our lives on hold and were there with her.) But these independent mothers, let me tell you, are a force to be reckoned with! You gotta love them! On the one hand, you are so thankful for their strength, their intelligence, their wisdom, their resilience, their community, their independence. And you can certainly understand their reluctance to give up any independence. We explained that if she fell and hurt herself, it could be to the point that we wouldn’t be able to take care of her at home anymore. Yes, she did walk by herself a few times and then fell. Fortunately, no injuries but it got her attention. So thankful we all have a strong faith and strong community support. Bless your heart, Karin. You have your work cut out for you! One thing that we found helpful was a portable “baby” monitor (with video). (It’s really important to get a very good quality one.) Thank you for updating us on how you and your mother are doing. Prayers lifted!

  8. Oh my word! What an adventure! Keeping you and your mom in my prayers -- she may be a tough cookie, but she raised an even tougher one -- I know you're gonna be OK!

  9. God IS in control, but sometimes it's hard to hand him the reins. Will be praying for your sweet mother's recovery and for you as a care giver. How fortunate that her community is so sensitive to everyone's well being. Definitely thinking about you and yours.

  10. Oh, my, so sorry your mom fell! Perhaps she didn't remember to call you and say she wanted to get up/forgot that she wasn't to walk on her own. A "Call me! to help you Walk!" sign placed at the end of the bed?
    Years ago, my grandmother's three daughters came over to her home to take down all the curtains, wash, dry and put them back up specifically so Grandma wouldn't climb on the furniture and do it herself (and possibly fall.)
    So while the three sisters were in the front room working, Grandma went into her small sewing room, climbed on top of her sewing machine cabinet to reach the curtains over it, and then fell off and broke her hip. The daughters were not pleased.
    Good Luck!! (The fancy baby monitor might be your best bet now.)

  11. Karin, Lisa’s comments above so eloquently express what I am also thinking. Each situation is unique, but so many of us have dealt with (or will) a parent going through declining health. Your able, loving response is a testament not only to your skills and love, but to the remarkable woman who taught you those. Your strong faith supports you in this, as do the prayers of your friends and admirers. God’s grace to you and your mother. Annie

  12. Can't imagine all you are going through. Hang in there. You are being a very caring daughter. God will give you the strength you need, and you won't regret that you did all you could.
    You and your mom are in my prayers.

  13. I’m so sorry you’re having to navigate all of this so far from home. I’m sure your Mom is grateful to have you.
    I will continue o pray for a speedy recovery and grace for you.

  14. The whole batch of cookies must be tough. So sorry...and so grateful that you are strong and feeling the support and love you need. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  15. So sorry about the fall, but praise the Lord she is ok, no broken bones and the CT scan-- His timing is perfect. Will continue to pray for her and for you, too.

  16. Wow! My good thoughts and lots of prayers for you both. I remember going through falls with my Mom many times. Yes, the Lord wraps his arms around you both!
