Monday, August 3, 2020

Mesquite Bean Quilt Shop

While navigating the big city highways and byways in San Antonio last month, I stumbled upon a little quilt shop with the best name

How could this quilting - desert rat - ranch wife NOT stop? Mesquite beans are in my blood:

Now, you ought to know that mesquite are NOT welcome plants to a rancher. In many places they grow into trees, but we receive so little rain here that they are only bushes. They are invasive and suck up a ton of moisture that would otherwise be growing grass. Last year we spent the majority of our budget spraying mesquite in a few pastures. However, cattle will munch on the beans in a dry year and at times that has been a blessing although, if they eat too many, it can cause problems. It would honestly cost millions of dollars to eradicate all of the mesquite from this ranch so we make due.

Still, I was enchanted by the name of this cute shop:

It's dangerous to navigate a quilt shop without a plan, but I have been a tad overwhelmed these last 3 weeks and a little fabric therapy was welcome:

Vintage displays:

And all the fabric your heart desires

Every solid 

Lots of fun tone on tone choices

A nice selection of Batiks

A tempting array of Reproduction fabrics

Some pretty collections

Inspiration for Kaffe Fasset fans

Bright, modern prints

Regional prints in Texas means wildflowers and western selections

Here's a pretty way to showcase a panel

They also have a nice choice of pre-cuts and the entire collection of this Safari Life that tempted me:

They also had a complete collection of Grunge and that was my only purchase as I needed a background for quilt project.

Cute shop with friendly employees and lots of tempting prints. Definitely one to put on your list if you're ever in the area.


  1. What a great shop! I was down in SA a couple of months ago but didn't make it into any shops as it was a whirlwind trip. I'll have to try and get down there again sometime (although Lord knows I do NOT need another inch of fabric! LOL).

  2. Thank you for writing about this quilt shop! What a lovely selection of fabrics. We have no quilt shops left in my area so I am glad to have found this.
    I enjoy your blog so much. Hoping your mother makes a complete recovery.

  3. What a wonderful shop!! Thanks for sharing all of the collections available.

  4. What a awesome quilt shop......thanks for sharing !

    Best wishes to you and your family !

  5. I need to check that one out, since I live just an hour north of San Antonio :-) We also have a place in southern Arizona (south of Tucson, north of Sierra Vista), that has lots of those pesky mesquite bushes. We have a couple of horses (and dogs!) that love mesquite bean season. My mare likes to stand on our back porch with her rear towards the living room window. Mesquite beans do to the horses what other beans do to me :-) - there is quite the aroma in the living room sometimes, lol.

  6. Nancy A: SewingGranda@gmail.comAugust 3, 2020 at 7:51 PM

    That shop looks fantastic!!!!!!!!! I would so love to visit it, but I may get to visit Hancocks of Paducah in Kentucky in a few weeks.

  7. Looks like a wonderful place. Thanks for the virtual tour! I miss going to my LQS, altho it's probably a good thing that I can't shop as often as I used to!
