Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Retreating To My Sewing Room

DH was saddled and loaded before 6 this morning, headed to the north side of the ranch to pick up some bulls. 

He headed out after breakfast:

And I started laundry:

The daily watering commenced:

Cookies were baked:

All before 7, and yes, I was feeling productive and truth be told, just a little smug.

Result: Burned cookies.

Lesson of the day: When you get a little too big for your britches, the good Lord will bring you back down a notch.

I figured I'd retreat to my sewing room in order to lick my wounds:

Wounds licked. 😉 More sewing coming soon!


  1. Some people really like the crispy critters on the cookie tray! I'm not one of them. :P

  2. Oh mt - I have have definitely experienced the burned cookies syndrome lately!!

    Hope you enjoyed your stitching time!

  3. The unburnt cookies look delicious. Have fun at you seeing machine

  4. Pride goeth before burnt cookies...bummer!

  5. Burnt cookies or not, your day was productive. Did the chickens end up with the burnt cookies?

  6. Lol... and that's how the cookie crumble. Enjoy the retreat. ;^)

  7. LOL Karin. Sounds like you had a productive morning. I'm glad you got in the sewing room, even if you did have burnt cookies (which don't look too bad, I love a crunchy cookie....). Hope today is a great day, with lots more sewing for you.

  8. OK, I gotta know what was for breakfast? Unsure from pic but really looks yummy! You are entirely too organized. LOL

  9. My husband would just crumble those cookies into a bowl, pour milk over them then eat them. Enjoy your sewing!

  10. I am always baking cookies and every so often I have the same problem. I'll look, decide they need another minute or so, and then get busy with something else. Eek! Cookies!! Oh well, they always get eaten, and I'll bet yours did, too. You had a good day--baking, watering, breakfast with hubby, and stitching. All the best things! Hope you're having another great day. ♥
