Thursday, August 12, 2021

Dirt Tank Morning

 Last week we loaded up Skeet

Although it's really the other way around because he's always the first one in the rig, waiting for us to load up - this is one of my favorite pictures of him from a few years ago because it looks like he's saying: But I want to go fishing NOWWWW. 😂

And we spent a couple of hours casting a line

The tanks were pretty weedy on the edges

And there's just bare dirt right now because the county flood control fella has been working this area for about a year and he's moved a lot of dirt:

We met up with him a few days ago and he and DH made more plans - he and Jim Bob get along so well:

We have always caught loads of fish

and have thrown loads back, only keeping enough to eat for one meal but this time we only caught small ones and went home empty handed although we tossed about 10 back

We'll come back and catch a bunch of small ones again and relocate them to some of the other dirt tanks now that they are full

Spending a cool morning on the side of a dirt tank is a pretty good way to begin the day

Something about listening to the whir of a fishing line being cast into the water and watching the fish splash across the quiet, glassy surface in the middle of nowhere just makes the noise of the world fade away and then you begin to treasure the details

and you can soak in the things that really matter.

Many men go fishing all their lives without knowing it is not really fish they are after

-Henry David Thoreau


  1. Good morning Karin, awwwww, that sounds so peaceful. My guy isn't a fisherman, so it's been many a year since I've cast a line in the water. We haven't even gone to the swimming hole this year, I think we need to. Have a lovely day!

  2. Great pictures of Skeet! The one of him wanting to go fishing is a hoot!

  3. Perfect way to enjoy summer time. Skeet makes me happy.

  4. The photos are impressive. They communicate the beauty and peace of your morning fishing trip. I could see framing the one of hubby and Skeet walking in the tall grasses or using it for the computer screen's back page. Thanks for sharing.
