Friday, October 1, 2021

Under the Needle: September

 Most of the time, I feel like I'm not making much progress on my sewing projects, but I'm always working on multiple things at once and they are always in various states of completion. I'll go days, sometimes weeks, without setting foot in my stitching room and then I'll find a few hours, or on occasion, an entire afternoon, and progress will be made. I like it best when I can work on something a little bit every day. Lately, that's been binding. I finished this quilt, but haven't taken pictures yet:

I've been cutting fabrics for I Spy quilts:

I recently finished this little quilt and it is now snuggling with a little boy in Oklahoma:

I pieced a quilt top for a little boy:

I pulled out my 90 Plaid Tail Feathers blocks and pieced them into a top

 And I finished this fun quilt:

As well as my Pinwheel Polka Quilt

On to October!


  1. Oooh, I didn’t realize you were making a plaid Tail Feathers quilt. I love that pattern. Looking forward to seeing photos of the plaid version.

  2. WOW! You got busy in a hurry! LOL Good to have some 'manly' quilts on hand for when they're needed. Nice job gettin' it done.

  3. For someone who claims not to have much time to sew, you get a lot done! Lovely quilts!

  4. You have had several things cross the finish line--all delightful! And isn't it a good feeling each and every time? :)

  5. That's a lot! I guess those little snippets all add up over time (thankfully).
