Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Feeding Extras Again

 I've been feeding extras again. LOL. My BIL and his stepson drove in from Texas Friday afternoon. My BIL came for a deer hunt so the boys have been spending lots of time scouting. On Saturday morning they left at 5:30 so I was up at 4 to fire up the stove for breakfast. And that 'extra' hour they claim we are given with the time change? I slept through it, as they left even earlier the next morning. 

I invited my in-laws for dinner on Saturday so they could spend a few hours with both of their boys. So, I've basically been in the kitchen. I made a batch of Cowboy CookiesSpiced Apple Twists, Black Bean Sirloin Chili - Rolls, Chicken and Dumpling Casserole, Chicken Quesadillas - Taquitos - Guacamole - , and tried my hand at a Charcuterie Board Sunday evening. aka: a fancy name for cheese and crackers: 😄

I went to bed at 7 Sunday night and told the boys they were on their own for breakfast the next morning because we had received our Sunday night text that let me know how many hd of cattle we'd be selling on Monday at the Sale Barn and it was going to be the biggest sale since 2018. It would take us at least 12-14 hours to sell 2800 hd and that's a LONG day when you're on the block and if I was going to be worth a hoot, I needed sleep and I had no business cooking breakfast at 4 a.m. I rarely have cereal in the house, but I had bought some granola and there was lots of fruit and yogurt and English muffins.

They left yesterday while I was at work and I spent Tuesday washing floors and all the bedding from the guest rooms. One would think I would be ready to sew, but I'm pooped and until I get my house back in order, I don't feel like I can. Plus, the new couple DH hired for North Camp is moving in and I'm throwing together a batch of Taco Soup and baking some cookies to take over to welcome them.

I like to cook, but I am ready to spend a little less time in the kitchen! One of these days I may even get to sew again. I thought about getting up a little earlier to sew, but when my mornings already start at 4, I just can't or I guess I just don't want to sew badly enough. LOL. Some folks don't need much sleep, but I am not one of those folks. In fact, I had better scoot...it's past 9 and if I stay up much later, I turn into a pumpkin. 😄


  1. I'm with you--I need my sleep and usually sleep very well. You have been one busy woman!

  2. Too many people get by on inadequate sleep: I need a minimum of 8 hours to feel my best. Happy to hear the North Camp will now be covered. Hopefully, you and your DH will get a bit of respite.

  3. Just reading your post made me want to crawl back in between the covers!! After my knee surgery and complications, I feel like right now, rest is a whole lot more important than sewing. This will pass......maybe by spring!!😅😂. Get some shut eye and stay cozy!

  4. I need sleep too! We went to Michigan and came home the weekend of time change….so I gained 2 hours instead of one! I could NOT keep my eyes open past 8 pm! Ugh! Getting up at 4 has to be brutal…but you’re still a youngster! I saw your blog about digging out those water tanks! That means you’re a Lot younger than me!

  5. That whole time change weekend really messed me up! I wish they'd just leave time along and not do any changing! Hope you have a great day today at the salebarn and are able to find some sewing time. Happy stitching when you can!
