Monday, May 23, 2022

Special Company

 A few weeks ago we were blessed with a visit from this little bright-eyed nugget

Her mama and daddy are so good to share photos. I love this series from Easter


And we're always so grateful when they make their way home

They came after Easter to meet the chickens:

To read some stories

To explore outside

To play Peek-A-Boo


And again

And again

Hey, Gram! Pap is REALLY funny!


To bake a cake:

To celebrate a special 1st Birthday!

And to make some memories:

I missed them before they even made it to the other end of the dirt road


  1. Peek-a-bo is a never failing source of joy, eh? Maybe the joy when the kids show up is the adult version of peek-a-boo? Except it doesn't happen often enough for me, around here.


  2. Aww, she's adorable. They grow up way too fast!! Glad you got to see her and celebrate her 1st birthday with her.

  3. What a sweetheart! Happy Birthday, little one.

  4. Sweet moments to cherish! I love that cake!

  5. She looks like a very happy girl and very loved!

  6. OH what fun those Grandbabies are! We were blessed with #7 on 5/21. A little girl Evelyn Gwynne. So glad you were able to spend a very special First Birthday!

  7. She's such a doll! So glad you got to spend some time with her (and her parents). The house seems way too quiet after they leave, doesn't it?

  8. She is so cute! It’s hard when they have to leave. Hugs,

  9. Grand kids are wonderful and so much fun!
