Thursday, December 22, 2022

Cozy and Cold

We're not fighting the wintry weather that so many of you are, but it was 10° this morning and we'll probably stay below freezing today and tomorrow. No moisture to contend with, but lots of 30-40 mph wind and DH has been out and about as he always is. He's got heat lamps set up in the well houses across the ranch and spends much of the day running the feed truck and checking water lines. I went with him yesterday, but I'm feeling pretty spoiled staying tucked inside a cozy home. I do still trek out to chore and tend to critters with him and I did haul 4 loads of hay from the floor of the barn to the chicken coop yesterday.

 And no, there's no heat in there. The closest electricity is 50 yards away and honestly, they are fine. They free range all day and are busy running around and still laying eggs every day. We get so much sun here that they really lay eggs year round. 

On Tuesday morning, DH and I hauled our old sofa and loveseat out - is it strange that I am sad to let it go? I loved it, but after 25 years, it was completely worn out and it was time to let it go

And our new Flex-Steel set was delivered

It doesn't photograph well because it's dark brown, but it feels so good. 

I love the coziness of the house during the pre-dawn hours

This is the first year I did something different with our Christmas tree. I love a real tree. I found these balls on a stick in the dried floral department at Hobby Lobby and loved them. They only had 9 so I'll look for more after the first of the year. I found the little wooden snowflakes online and stuffed some frosted branches with pinecones  and some cranberry sprigs in spots. Simple and natural - just right for us:

DH asked for Posole last week so I made that yesterday - no recipe because this is the first time I've made it and I just kind of threw things together. The gal that cuts my hair told me how she makes it so I just started there. I smoked my pork shoulder though. 

DH also suggested Hot Ruben Sandwiches one day and those were amazing. I'll post that recipe soon. 

We won't have a houseful for Christmas this year. My MIL doesn't want to come down so I am making Christmas dinner here at home tomorrow and hauling it up to them on Saturday. They're just 2 hours away so we'll spend the day with them, attend Christmas Eve services and then drive back to the ranch.

Our son has to work so they won't be able to be here and our daughter is coming after Christmas and will be here through New Year's and we always love when we get to spend time together. This year we are celebrating this with them - we're thrilled! So I know what we'll be planning next year!

I probably won't pop in here again until next week so I'm wishing ya'll a Blessed Christmas from the ranch


  1. Merry Christmas from the southeast corner of Arizona where we too aren't dealing with the frigid cold. Your house does look so cozy and I too love how our house looks in the pre-dawn. Love your new furniture! And congratulations to the engaged daughter--you guys will have much to discuss during her visit.

  2. Merry Christmas, Karin, and blessings in the new year.

  3. Recovering EquestrianDecember 23, 2022 at 7:39 AM

    Thank you for sharing your blog with us. The tree made from horseshoes with a the star on top made of horseshoe nails is my favorite Christmas tree ever! And it doesn't shed needles or need watering!

  4. A blessed and peaceful Christmas to you and yours. ;^)

  5. What? A star made of horseshoe nails??!! I found a bunch of those nails in an envelope labeled Nauvoo, IL, from a visit to a pioneer village. I always suspected they weren't handmade in Nauvoo. Does your flex-steel furniture recline at all? It looks great. My husband wants to get rid of our 35 yr old flex-steel furniture, he says it is too low to the ground now.

  6. Merry Christmas!
    Wishing you all the best in 2023.

  7. Fun to see your cozy Christmas. And it was good to know you weren't getting the incredibly frigid temps some have dealt with.
    Now furniture is exciting. We love our flex-steel so much in our living room, that when we needed to replace the love seat recliner in the TV room, it had to be flex steel.
    Love that horseshoe tree.
