Monday, December 5, 2022

Playing Catch Up

 Goodness! How is it already December? I'm losing track of the days so after almost 2 weeks, you get a hodge-podge snapshot of what we've been up to. 

I brought germs home from work a few weeks ago and shared them with DH so a big pot of homemade chicken noodle soup was in order

Loved having chiddlers home for Thanksgiving for 4 days

We smoked the turkey, but I had to improvise when I wanted to truss the bird and didn't have any string: DH brought me some feed sack twine from the barn:

I made everything else the day before - Butterhorns are a Thanksgiving tradition

Our girl pitched in as we took down all the Fall decorations: seeing it all in one place, makes me realize I have too much!

And we welcomed the Christmas season

Feeding season is also upon us

We had another skiff of snow and ended up with an inch of moisture in the rain gauge

Enjoyed a Christmas gathering at a friends' home

DH brought home a nice deer and jerky making has commenced

And I am spending some quiet evenings binding a quilt during the NFR performances for 10 nights

Today I'm at work at the sale barn - expecting to sell 2300 hd - that translates to about 11-12 hours if all goes smoothly so it's going to be a long day and I'll be cross-eyed by the time the last bovine is sold:

So, all is well, just dropping the ball when it comes to posting. I'll try and pop in a bit more, but that's a peek into life at the end of the dirt road lately. 


  1. You're busy, it's understandable why you don't have time to blog!

  2. Did you make the Swiss vegetable casserole or was there a riot?


  3. It's a wonder that you have enough energy left at the end of your long days to tackle sewing a binding or writing a blog post. :-)
