Monday, January 9, 2023

The First Week in January

 If the first week of January is any indication of how quickly the year's going to pass, then I had better buckle up. I'm so very grateful to not be caught up in the rat race and life out here, for the most part, is very relaxed and laid back although we're busy and there is always something that needs to be done. 

On New Year's Day we filleted some quail, smoked them with jalapeno and bacon, and I made fried Okra, along with Texas Caviar for dinner. 

It took a full 2 days to take down all the Christmas decorations and pack them away. Now the house looks fresh and clean, yet somehow empty, but ready to herald in 2023 although DH heralded in the new year with a horse wreck. Not the preferred method. On the 2nd he went to doctor a sick calf and in the midst of the pursuit, going all out, loop in the air, the calf dodged. All of his weight was on the stirrups and his stirrup broke clean away. He said he's been meaning to get new stirrups, but hadn't found what he wanted. I am so very grateful that the Lord was watching over him and that he is not seriously hurt, although his back and core are incredibly sore. He said he doesn't bounce so good these days. He can't scoot into a pick up or get up from a chair or get out to open a gate or put his socks on. So I've been going with him on feed runs and tending to chores. He's a really good patient and never complains, however, he does not rest and relax well so he's still getting out

I've added to my collection of gray hair, but thank you Jesus for keeping him safe! I took him to town so he could pick up his new ranch rig on Wednesday:

It won't look like this for long as we made arrangements to have the flatbed installed. It's a 6 hour round trip, not including the installation time. so that will fill up another day.

Then, on Thursday, we drove 6 hours to see his brother and pick up DH's crates with his taxidermy from his trip to Tanzania last March. He'll drop those off at the taxidermist today.

 My eagle-eyed readers will notice and mention the heavy frost on the tailgate of the pick-up. I snapped this photo yesterday morning after the sun was up and it was 17°.

On Friday, we drove another hour and a half to attend the Dallas Safari Club Convention, and headed back to the ranch on Saturday. 

I don't know how big the convention center is, but my phone said I walked 13500 steps, and we only made it through the exhibits one time. I also found a great cutting/pressing table for a sewing room. LOL. I told DH that surely we could make something similar for less that $14,000. 😲

On Saturday we stopped in at Teskey's which is a Farm and Ranch Supply Super Store.

Anyone in the market for a saddle?

How about a cinch?

DH looked for gloves

And stirrups

I chuckled when I saw the receipt. Spelling seems to be a lost art these days unless I'm the one missing the boat and there is a new spelling for stirrup.

I was peopled out and pooped on Sunday, but filled in my annual calendar and worked on tax documentation while DH went out to put new stirrups on his saddle

And poof! A week disappeared. 


  1. I'm so thankful your husband is ok, accidents happen so fast! I've started tax work too, it's not my favorite part of my day but it has to be done. I hope you can find some time for stitching!

  2. Oh boy, your hubby sure did have an angel on his shoulder that day, if a soar body and stiffness is all he took out of it. Bless him. And bless you, for being his big help, but that’s what we do, step in when needed, that’s love. Haha love the cutting table and look at the chair, swinging sideways. Wouldn’t the grandchildren love to have a ride on this. Have a great week and take care.

  3. You actually received a handwritten receipt...I'm impressed! I enjoyed seeing the store photos with the saddles and stirrups. I thank God also that your husband was not seriously injured.

  4. Hope the DH heals quickly and no, we don't bounce as well as we used to! I say this all the time at my age (67) "life is going by so quickly!

  5. Oh, your poor hubby! Hearing how he doesn't stop, I'm sure he'll be feeling fine yesterday! LOL Did the sick calf get taken care of? That was a lot of driving for all your shopping. WOW!

  6. I can just smell all that leather. Glad your husband is ok. My husband built a awesome cutting table and sewing desk for me. I’m sure your husband could rustle that up for you in no time at all!

  7. Ackkkk ... a Stirrup wreck is no joke!! So glad he got some new Sturups haha!!! Looks like you have been crazy busy - when do you all sleep!!!
