Wednesday, April 5, 2023


 Yes, all is well and I don't really have an excuse for my lack of posting other than I must have lost my blogging mojo. There are some things taking place behind the scenes that have required our attention and I think that has contributed to my scattered mindset. I'll share more about that when there is more to share. 😉

We've been making some day trips to the mountains

The kiddos came home one weekend and that means we'll be firing up the smoker

Cooking up some biscuits

Sharing new recipes

Anticipating the first bite

And swapping stories around the firepit

The wind's been up to it's old shenanigans again

And last night, we chased a fire

Yesterday was our anniversary and we thought we'd go out to eat after running some errands in town. Alas, we had an unexpected phone call before we left that a semi load of mineral was on it's way and DH needed to be here to unload it. As he was unloading it, he noticed smoke to the east. The sky was brown from all of the dirt in the air so it's amazing that he could even see the smoke. He called the neighbor and he went to look into it and sure enough there was a fire that had started in an oilfield on his place. As soon as the mineral was stored away, DH drove over and met the neighbor and firetrucks. The wind was fierce - according to the news it was clocked at 68 mph in town and it was blowing out of the west, sending the fire our way. As long as the wind didn't change, the neighbor's home was safe as it was west of the fire. I stayed at the house and began to take stock of what needed to be loaded in case of evacuation. The fire burned about a section (640 acres) and jumped over to one of our pastures. Thankfully, the fire department was well-equipped and able to get it all under control which is a miracle in that kind of wind! 

There wasn't a lot of grass on the neighbor's pasture, thus, not enough fuel for the fire to really take off. We've got a pretty good stand of old grass for winter feed and we're so thankful it didn't start in fuel-rich pasture or we'd be singing a sad song today. The fire was about 1 1/2 miles from the house so the photos I took from inside aren't great, but I'm SO thankful everyone is safe

It was just a little too close for comfort, but I'm grateful for the firefighters and for the mineral truck that showed up unexpectedly because if it hadn't, we'd have been in town and had the fire moved just a tiny bit closer to more grass, it could have been a very different outcome. So thank you, Jesus for the sending the firefighters and a mineral truck! 


  1. Oh my goodness! I know you will always be grateful for mineral trucks after this! So glad everything turned out ok. You can go out another night to celebrate your anniversary and mineral trucks. Praise the Lord. (Obviously, I don’t know a lot about your livelihood….but what do you use such large quantities of minerals for? Would it be for the soil or livestock?)

  2. Your anniversary turned out to be a wonderful day in retrospect! I'm glad you were blessed to be safe and grateful. It is amazing how God is so powerful and intelligent to put the right people in all the right places at the right times to bless so many of us who will listen. I have heard so many stories like this in my life that I could never disbelieve. Have another day to celebrate your anniversary! Donna

  3. That is so scary! We're under a burn ban now because of severe drought. Fires have been widespread around us also but thankfully not as close as yours. I'm so glad it all turned out okay.

  4. I don't think it was a coincidence that the mineral truck showed up "unexpectedly." Yes...thank you firefighters and thank you Lord that all is well.

  5. That was wonderful to hear, that your husband was out working with the mineral truck, that he saw the smoke, that the neighbor was home to check on his field, that the firetruck crew was on the job, and all of it worked together for good!! Hurray!! t

  6. I'm with Violet. The mineral truck might have shown up unexpectedly to your plan but Heaven knew what it was doing. You are blessed. That's all I can see. I'm also grateful that the pictures aren't the best because it means you were out of harm's way. Blessed again. Now if you could just get a little bit of rain to make the grass grow again, it would be a perfect ending to this nightmare. May you be blessed again. ;^)

  7. What a blessing to get the fire out. I'm so glad you were safe.

  8. Yikes, sounds like the kind of event you'd not want to participate in but don't have much choice! So glad it all worked out well for everyone. I'm wondering if your lack of blog mojo has anything to do with a very special event?! Woohoo!

  9. What a relief that all ended with people (and stock I assume) safe and sound! Your heart must have been in your mouth the whole time!


  10. That a lot too close for comfort!! its amazing the amount of land fire can consume... its scary!!
    Happy Anniversary - hope you get to celebrate soon!
