Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Another Day in the Life of Us

 DH and I have been spending lots of time bouncing over ranch roads


Thankfully, a few of them have been muddy


Project #1


We plumbed in another new water trough


Making use of the skid steer saves some shoveling


But plenty of shoveling still takes place


Securing the joints properly ensures he won't have to ever fix a leak here


DH is particular about making sure everything is exactly right 


It saves problems down the line


The float box protects the float so cattle can't get to it


Packing in dirt so the valve boxes he cut are level (we can turn the valves inside the boxes and send water to various storage tanks and water troughs around the ranch)




Our next item on the list

But this post is long enough...I'll save those adventures for another day. However, a few weeks ago DH brought me a gift

He found this beautiful Metate and brought it home to me. What a treasure!


  1. I so enjoy following your blog as we are ranchers up here in Montana and I love to sew. That is so interesting on the find of a Metate.

  2. I don’t know how your hubby knows how to do all these things around the ranch! I guess one has to figure it out since you can’t call a plumber! I had to look up what a metate is. What a treasure indeed!

  3. Oh that Metate is so cool! I wonder how old it is.

  4. I had to look up what metate means. Will you use it or is it for decorative purposes? It looks like ranching is very hard work. How large is your ranch?

  5. Like others, I had to look up metate because I was clueless. Based on what wikipedia had to say, I have a couple of questions. Is your metate old (or ancient?) and did your husband find it on your ranch or did he purchase it? It doesn't matter where he got it, it is a treasure!

  6. Yay for water!!! Sounds like you all had a very successful day!!
