Saturday, December 2, 2023

Still Here

 To say that life has been crazy lately is an understatement and I can't share a lot of it here yet, but it's been more than 2 old people can juggle. Everyone is healthy and honestly, all is well, we're just juggling a lot of plates and it feels like more are being tossed into the air at every turn. 

No worries, I know that God is in control, and we're just praying for wisdom, discernment, and revelation.

But that's why I have been absent in this space - our attention has been directed to those spinning plates.

Amidst all the insanity, I CAN share a funny exchange from this morning.

My FIL is 86 and he drew a cow elk tag this year. With everything going on, it's horrible timing, and DH wasn't sure he could make it happen, but we packed everything up and got ready to head out with plans to leave at 3 a.m. Sleep has been hard to come by lately and I didn't want DH doing all that driving alone.

I told my MIL to make a list and I'd clean while the boys hunted. I was going to make sandwiches for them before we left. I had cookies in the deep freeze. I had Taco Soup in there too that I was going to take in case we stayed the night. Alarm set for 2:30 so DH could saddle and load his horse and we could head to the mountains.

Then DH's phone rang at 1:53 a.m. We both heard it, but we keep it in the dining room and it was faint. He was only partially awake, and thought it was my alarm, but I quietly got up and looked. I missed the call, but it was his dad. So he got up and called him back. They had snow and the roads had been icy the day before so he wanted to call off the hunt.

Makes us sad for him, but it was a smart call. After all of our running around, we just had to chuckle.

So now we were awake and as we were laying there, DH said that he thought he forgot to turn off a pump last night. With the constant phone calls from various entities and rushing to get ready for his dad's hunt, it was understandable, but unlike him. So he drove up to the highway line (about 5 miles) to turn the valves, sending the water north.

As he is pulling on clothes at 2 a.m. he tells me, "Close your eyes and count sheep".

I piped up from under the quilts, "Are we going into the sheep business now?" Because the way things have been going, anything is possible.

He answered as he turned to walk out the door, "No. I'm not that far gone".


And thus, you finally get a post because we are awake, it's too early to field and make phone calls (with anyone but my FIL πŸ˜‚), and my plate spinning skills are dismal at 3 a.m.


  1. I’m sorry things have been hectic for you and your family right now; especially this time of year. Hope things settle down soon.

  2. Hmmm. Plate spinning picture captures so much - I hope things calm down in a good way soon.


  3. I know those elk tags can be hard to get, but I am glad the right call was made to be safe. And can have taco soup, sandwiches and cookies! And sleep? I love glimpses of your life, so like mine as a child.

  4. Life on the ranch or farm can get really crazy. During harvest things are kind of nuts! Jay thought we could just move to Assisted Living and then we wouldn’t have to make any decisions! Ha! I told him he could move there but, I wasn’t going πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    Things are going good now, harvest is over, the seed is ordered. The weather is mild which is nice! No moisture yet and it is cork dry!

  5. I hope the plates get settled soon. Like having lots of plates but really hate when many are in the air at the same time. Wishing you peace and joy for at least a few days and love and faith to build you up.

  6. I'm hoping you can keep the plates spinning. Hang in there!!
