Friday, December 8, 2023

This Year's NFR Quilt

 DH and I are not big TV watchers, but in early December you can bet we'll be tuned in to the NFR (National Finals Rodeo) for 10 days. Now that the Cowboy Channel televises so many of the rodeos, it's easy to keep up with that world throughout the year. And during those 10 days, I like to have a quilt to bind. I am a slow binder, but this year I have two that I picked up from Jackie a few weeks ago

They are both larger quilts so I'm doubtful I'll even get one finished, but having quilts to bind is something I love. I'm almost finished binding this baby's taken me 2 months to get here. 

That takes slow binding to the extreme, but I'll finish it tonight and then work on this one. This is one of the blue-green quilts I pieced earlier this year - I had so much fun pulling fabrics from my stash to make these blocks even though I didn't love piecing the top because of the diagonal setting, but I think it's going to be worth it!


  1. I absolutely hate sewing on binding! I do it by machine now and although it doesn’t look as good as hand sewing it down, I am less stressed. I know several people who also love sewing the binding down by hand.

  2. When the binding is completed, we've love to see pictures of the whole quilt! Is the baby quilt for your new grandson? Happy stitching!

  3. I just love that baby quilt fabric and the pairing of the tan minkee is perfect! Enjoy your downtime.

  4. I too love having hand work, like binding, for evenings. NFR!!! We had a neighbor who was the bull riding champ one year...they used to ride a "bucking Barrel" in the yard!! for practice.

  5. looks great from heree....the colors grabbed me

  6. Ah, nie to see the blues and greens quilt again. I'm impressed you can sew on binding and watch TV - maybe I need better task lighting!


  7. I just came back from Las Vegas- I go most years for the Miss Rodeo America pageant and the first few days of the NFR. In case you hadn't heard, Miss Rodeo New Mexico was crowned as Miss Rodeo America 2024 - she is by all accounts a wonderful young woman, and is certainly smart and accomplished based on what we saw of her last week! I love the idea of some slow stitching while I watch the rodeo, but I might get too excited by the competition, lol.
