Saturday, June 22, 2024

Another Weekly Update

The week filled up fast and then came to a swift halt.

Monday is sale day (I clerk in the sale ring at the local livestock auction on Mondays. I can't believe I've been there for 10 years) and that always fills up my Mondays. (the auctioneer sits on the left, my co-worker sits in the middle, and I sit on the right, This is an older photo, but pretty much sums up our day - sometimes the bulls come in and kick up dirt from the ring into our work space)

Tuesday DH and I pulled out a pipe fence and rolled up chain link 

around an old trailer house here at headquarters that we're fixing to dispose of - that was a JOB! 

Those posts were sunk 4 ft deep and cutting the pipe together was a great upper body workout. 

We also fielded phone calls, emails, and texts about the wild fires that broke out in the Ruidoso / Alto area. Many of you have reached out to check on us. Thank you for your concern and kindness. We're fine out here. We're not in the mountains and the fires are about 90 miles away. My in-laws are 10 miles from the area, but are safe and were not asked to evacuate. The fires are still actively burning and not contained although a recent rain on Wednesday helped slow the spread. Phone communications are down (including my in-laws' phones) and people that did not evacuate have no way to reach out. Thus far, they estimate that 1500 structures have been lost. Ruidoso is also home to a large race track so many horses had to be evacuated as well. The town center is still intact although some businesses in outlying areas have been lost. So this is still very much an ongoing situation, so prayers for the first responders and folks affected by this continue.

On Wednesday we drove to Lubbock (2 1/2 hours away) to have a truck serviced and to have some codes cleared that are being thrown since we installed a flatbed. We also needed  to exchange a post driver.

 We left the house at 4:30 (allowed for a  time change when crossing state lines) and were 15 miles from Lubbock when the dealership called and said their system was down. It happens, but it means another trip at some point. When we got home we found a huge limb had broken off in a rough wind the previous night so DH broke it down in order to make it easier to haul off

The farrier came out on Thursday so I baked cookies and cooked for him. 

DH shod his own horses until last year - he's 61 and I told him that there are probably not a lot of 61 year old farriers.😉 Plus, our farrier is also a good friend of ours. Then I made a trip to town to run some errands for DH. 

Well, run is probably the wrong word. I hobbled through said errands. I don't know what I did, but I pulled a tendon or damaged my knee earlier this week and I am currently not sound (to coin an equine term). Getting in and out of the pickup and stepping on the gas pedal is pretty rough and in all honesty, I probably did too much.

So yesterday was Friday and thankfully I had leftovers in the fridge. DH was sweet and made breakfast and then he fetched some old crutches from the bunkhouse for me. They were here when we moved here 20 years ago and they came in mighty handy when I had some knee surgery about 5 years ago. They are being called into action once again because even though I will try to rest it through the weekend, there is only so much sitting I can do.

DH is on the board of the Safari Club and they are having their annual picnic today, but I bowed out. It's being catered, but everyone brings desserts so I just made Caramel Fudge Brownies yesterday and sent them with him

He left with strict instructions: REST. I did pick up 2 quilts from Jackie last week so I may try to trim them and sew the binding to the front so that I'll have some hand binding to keep me out of trouble. 😉


  1. I'm glad you're getting some time for binding and I'm hoping your knee heals soon. Blessings!

  2. Good to hear you and your family are safe. It was on the news in the Netherlands, about the fires, horrible. I hope your knee will heal fast, it didn’t prevent you from baking some lovely caramel brownies. The quilts will be bounded by now? They look beautiful from just the folded pieces you show. Cheers from a very wet Netherlands, we had a few dry days at the start of May, and that was it. Now they say tomorrow it will not rain and summer is coming. I’m not holding my breath on that promise.

  3. Even your "quiet" days sound exhausting. Hope your knee is better soon.

