Saturday, March 31, 2012

March Christmas Train and Little Bit...again

 Well once more I'm coming in at the tail end of the month with my Christmas Through the Year project for the month. Wouldn't you know that the wind would blow on the last day when I decided to take pictures so today you get flying stockings:

I made 6 stockings for the Stockings for Soldiers project. I'll pick things up throughout the rest of the year to fill them. I made some of these last year and I really enjoyed filling them and sending them off.

Surely all of y'all have heard about Darlene and Cheryl's year -long Christmas gift making project by now, but just in case, you can pop in over here to learn more and you can join in at any time. Thank you both for keeping me accountable.

Tucking in my progress on Little Bit this month too. Here's where I was last month:

And 31 days later:

 Still stitching like a crazy woman and  hoping to put the last stitch in by the end of April.
 Then in May I can have it framed and add it to the Christmas box! I will be SOOOO glad to tuck this little fella away. I am getting tired of working on him and my quilting is suffering greatly.


  1. Love your stockings...great job!! Your Little Bit is so cute! Thanks for joining in with Christmas Through The Year!

  2. What a cute Bear! Love your stockings and they're for such a good cause,

  3. Those stockings are great! You need to slow are making the rest of us look bad! lol

  4. So nice that you make and fill stockings for soldiers. Like the stockings blowing in the wind.

  5. The flying stockings are great! I can't believe how much you have gotten done on the bear, it looks so good.

  6. What a great project!! Can you tell me how you get them to the soldiers, please. I would love to participate.

  7. What a clever way to shoot those cute stockings! Your bear cub is adorable.

  8. Love the stockings and the idea of stuffing them for soldiers - wonderful plan! Your needle must be smokin' girl - great progress on the cross stitch piece - hugs!

  9. Nice socks! and for such a worthy cause.

  10. looking good! I'm excited for your progress on your cub project--he is adorable! I'm pleased as can be too that you are preparing stockings again for our troops. Thanks for doing that.

  11. I just hope you can see to quilt when your cross stitch project is done!!!!!!!!!!! I love it.

  12. Wow! You've made some awesome headway on your little cub. It looks great!!

    Wait a minute... you mean you are supposed to sew for Christmas starting BEFORE DECEMBER 1st!?!?!?! I had no idea.

    Those stockings look great!! The soldiers are gonna love them.

  13. ok, the above comment is me, naomig. Blogger comments are freaking out on me badly here, I don't know how I ended up anonymous. :-)

  14. Ok, darn it, now it deleted the comment it posted as anonymous!! Argh! Thankfully I had some idea that some sort of funny business was at work, and I copied my comment really fast before it exited. I'm going to try posting this, and back sllloooowly away from the computer... here goes!

    Wow! You've made some awesome headway on your little cub. It looks great!!

    Wait a minute... you mean you are supposed to sew for Christmas starting BEFORE DECEMBER 1st!?!?!?! I had no idea.

    Those stockings look great!! The soldiers are gonna love them.

  15. You've made great progress on your bear! I'd be blind at this point already. He's cute.

  16. Oh! Your Little Bit project is coming along nicely!!! And how fun to see stockings swaying in the breeze in March! :)

  17. Nice project it was nice fun see thsi stocking

    gifts to pakistan
