Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Last Stitch!

I finally added the last stitch to Little Bit! I am elated! I am ecstatic! I started this 'little' project last year, but I set it aside in March and didn't pick it up again until this January and as you know, I have been a woman on a mission. Well I finally came up for air!

DH asked me how many hours I had invested in this little guy and I just gave him 'the look'. I haven't a clue and I don't want to know. Let's just call it 'umpteen'...x 10. So here he is in all his finished glory:

I'll bet y'all are tired of seeing him too. This is the biggest cross stitch project I've ever stitched. He's 16"x16" and it's solid stitching.
I may or may not have jumped up and broken into the Snoopy Dance. Cue Peanuts music. Next time I head to town he's coming along for the ride and  I'm going to have him framed. Actually next time will probably be tomorrow. Just need to wait for a phone call from Jesse at the Seed store. Then I'll be taking a bear to town and bringing back baby chicks. Yay!

I've been working on him for so long that I feel kind of lost tonight. However, breakfast is at 5 am so I would be wise to turn in early. Probably not a good idea to pull out the next project tonight.


  1. Beautiful! And he deserved a post all his own for the monumental task of stitching, but especially finishing him before your deadline. I'm doing the happy dance with you too. :-)

    Could you put an everyday object by it to get some perspective of the size and then show us again? 16x16 is huge but it's hard to tell all by itself.

  2. Oh WOW! That's lots of little X's! I would do the happy dance for you!
    My baby chicks are coming in next week.

  3. I have SO much admiration for you for finishing this project. He is ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL. :-) I think we need to see him framed too. :-)

  4. Congratulations! I know exactly how you feel about finishing!

  5. WOW! That a LOT of stitches and he looks wonderful! I'd be doing the Snoopy dance too - LOL! What a great piece. Hope HL takes the Micheal's coupon.

  6. Yeah!!! Little bit looks prrrrrrfect!!! Can't wait to see it framed!!! I got a surprise last Sunday - one of my hens had hidden a nest and she was proudly showing off her 13 little chicks!! And then Mollie surprised me and brought 32 "red" chicks left over from work (Tractor Supply) so things are looking pretty "chicky" around here!!

    Have a great week! Blessings

  7. Great piece! That is large and took countless stitches. Now you need to find another project.
    I have decide to make 'Dresses for Africa'. That should keep me busy in my free time.

  8. Nope, I couldnt get tired of seeing this little fellow. I love it - it looks like you took a pic of him in your garden and not cross stitched. Amazing!!!

  9. Karin, that little bear is just wonderful! I am in awe of your cross stitch skills AND your determination to finish such a large project. What a wonderful bear!
    Snoopy Happy Dancing is definitely in order!

  10. Oh well done Karin, it looks superb. I can't believe you have finished it so soon.

  11. Oh my goodness, it is so great! Good job!

  12. That is some cute little bear. Did you say you were giving it away? I just don't think I could after all the work.
    I suppose you guys are calving too. We get 20 to 30 a day so it keeps the guys busy tagging, checking, feeding...well you know the drill!
    I'm working on an apron today so I better get to it before someone finds something else for me to do:)

  13. That is amazing and so cute! Great job gettin it done :-). That is a lot of work.
