Monday, May 26, 2014

It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This!


3.5" in the rain gauge at the house on Saturday morning! 4.5"  at Fence Tank!
Words cannot express our jubilation. If this keeps up, we just may make it out of the drought. We are truly, truly thankful. The good Lord's timing is always.

These photos are from Saturday morning. We received another .6" here at the house last night. In 2011 our annual total rainfall was only 3" and in 2012 it was 4". That gives you some reference as to how desperately we need rain and how very grateful we are to see this.

On Friday, I posted to friends that we were praying for a froggy serenade kind of rain after our .5" overnight and a froggy serenade is what we got...even though they are really toads. The following video is  3 minutes long...a tad long and I apologize for that, but when it rains in the desert, during a drought, it bears documenting. There is no commentary because I was rendered speechless at the sight and sound of this beautiful body of water. Yes, laughing is entirely permissible, but it's not far from the truth. :)

I just wanted to catch the sound of the running water and the beginning of the toad song. You should have heard them LAST night! They were positively deafening and it was a sweet lullaby as we fell asleep. This is the dirt tank on the east side of the house. There wasn't a drop in it the day before. For some reason, Blogger won't allow me to post the video so a link is the best I can do:

Dirt Tank Water and Froggy Serenade

Our road to the highway was a virtual river:


And when it dries out, it's going to be a mess due to lots of this:


But we'll take a mess of a road any day if the rain is doing the messing.


We woke up at 3 and noticed the electricity was out so we spent the day lounging and reading and walking around to look at the water and making meals from the pantry. DH took the 4 wheeler and ran out the lines to find the problem and let the electric company know where it needed fixing.

We saw smoke and mudded up a road. We stay off of the roads after it rains like this to keep from tearing them up, but a fire always needs to be checked out..


An oil tank battery was in flames, but a fire truck was on the scene


so we turned back to check on the heifers. A few had crossed the cattle guard the day before, but all was well. It won't be long before the pastures will we sprouting up new, tender growth to keep them happy and satisfied.

The cattle guard was full of water:


DH built a fire in the fire pit in the evening

and we had supper by the fire.

Just after 8, the electric company called and asked whether we had electricity. Ummm...we don't know. We are sitting out by the fire. :) But, I checked and, yes, we did, and then I went back out to the fire where we watched a light show dance across the sky as another storm rolled in.

Quote from DH last night:

Toads a croakin'. Fire a burnin'. Storm a comin'. It doesn't get much better than this.



  1. Amen!!!! So very thankful for ya'll - Refreshes the ground and our souls!

    Blessings and hugs

  2. I loved the video. We have tree frogs here and I love to hear them carry on. We're supposed to get rain this week - maybe today but probably Tuesday and Wednesday. Let 'er pour. We need it. This drought stuff has gotta go.

  3. Hooray!!!! Thankful its raining some where! J's dad got 5 inches!!

    We have not gotten a drop.. its the craziest thing. Each of these systems has by passed us on either direction. Maybe today will be the day... :) I'm grateful for the humidity at least!

  4. Wonderful wonderful! So glad you are getting rain. Wish we could ship more out to you from the Midwest. We had tons of snow and still are getting lots of rain. Everything is green but we have enough - maybe too much as my son's leaky basement will attest to. Hope more rain is headed your way.

  5. I'm in Central Texas and the rain has been a tremendous blessing! Enjoy it while you got it!

  6. Congratulations! We've had 1.17 inches here, and we're very grateful. I truly expected more rain today, but it hasn't happened. Still delighted with what we did get!

  7. Praise the good Lord!Wonderful!! I had 1.75 Friday night and another 2 or 3 tenths since then,sure thanking Him!I was wondering how much rain you had received.I have a friend ,originally from Archer City,that lives in Vernon ,Texas.Before she retired she worked at the Lea County extension office (pretty sure that was her job) and also lived and worked taking care of broodmares on a ranch out there-Sterling Ranch I believe.She said some of her friends out there had received 5 inches.She is friends with some folks named Hunter that run Hunter Creek Farms ,foal out lots of mares.Believe they had Mine That Bird there at 1 time.Tickled you got rain,sorry to ramble.I bet we would have friends that would know the others friends!

  8. Wonderful! Praise God from whom all blessings flow - this time quite literally!! We've had rain yesterday and today. It's been such a blessing and relief! :-)

  9. I am very happy for you and all God's critters around you! I Imagine the dessert will bloom soon!

  10. What a wonderful blessing, Karin. I love a good rain and/or thunderstorm.

    Your rains are so different from ours here in Ohio. Here the water sinks into the ground. It takes a lot of rain for the ground to get soaked enough for the water to lay on the surface but some springs it happens.

    Delightful frogs!

  11. Wooohoo Karin! glad you got some much needed tell the rain clouds to come this way, pretty please :)

  12. Great news and an answer to prayer. May your pastures always be green and your water reserviors always full.

  13. truly it sounds like a charmed life…even with all the trials you have faced regarding the lack of rain you have such a wonderful life…i can hear the toads from here

  14. LOVE IT! "do you have electricity yet? I don't know" LOL it really doesn't get any better than that!

  15. Envious of your rain! But I know how much you appreciate it!

  16. What an amazing gift you have for painting detailed pictures with your words! Enjoyed reading this so much!
