Friday, May 23, 2014

Rained out!

Those are 2 of the loveliest words in the English language!

It's 3:30 am so that's the only picture you get. :) Moonlight reflection of the rain puddles.
Today was our last day of Cow Works for the week.

We'll have another week to work the Corrientes in the middle of June, but we're done with the beef cows. Woke up this morning at 2 to the glorious sound of rain fall. I popped out of bed to throw open a window and crawled back in under the quilts to savor the smell. Heaven is going to smell like rain and barns and horses. I'm convinced of it. And quite possibly cinnamon rolls.

I wish someone had invented smellavision for sharing via the Internet because I need it for this post today. It is absolutely the most amazing thing to wake up to rain and cinnamon rolls.

I made cinnamon rolls last night and popped them in the oven at 3 this morning. DH called everyone on the crew and canceled the day's works. .5 in the rain gauge at 3 this morning. North camp had .7" and the radar looked better on the north end. Finished branding yesterday and planned on moving the heifers across the highway to Adobe pasture today. Called off the brand inspector too. They were coming out to help stop traffic when we crossed cattle.

I also have an entire Pea Picking Cake in the fridge so if anyone has a mind to head this way, I've got breakfast and dessert covered . Just don't expect me to be up at 3 am tomorrow. :)


  1. You described ALL the smells I love!

  2. Praise the Lord!Praying it keeps falling!We have a good chance here for the next few days,sure pray we get some also.

  3. I live on a farm in far Western Oklahoma and we have also been dry dry dry!!! And last night we got 3 inches!!!! And getting more right now....slow and easy this and furious last night. We just finished planting the cotton yesterday, so hopefully it can stand the downfall it got last night....if not....well...the grass is happy!!! Praying you are getting more this weekend also!

  4. Oh and what's a Pea Picking cake? going to google it!

  5. Rain is always such a welcome surprise!! And the rolls look so good. Makes me want to make up a batch myself.

  6. Got home from work and had 1.75 in my gauge!PRAISE THE LORD!!!

  7. Mmm Mmmm Great smells... and grandmas Peach pie.... yep - heaven!!

  8. You did a lovely job of describing the scents and happenings at your place. It all sounds wonderful! One question-what is a pea picking cake?

  9. What a heavenly post. I love cinnamon rolls.

  10. Wonderful! Rain and Cinnamon Rolls!
