Sunday, April 17, 2016

Gathering and Sorting Bulls

The crew gathered bulls on Friday. They loaded up:


and I hauled them to the west side of the pasture:


Who wouldn't want to be horseback on a morning like this:


Making a plan:


This fella has a plan alright and it always includes mischief. LOL


I had to scootch back to the house but I couldn't pass up just one more shot of that incredible New Mexico sky:


Gathering bulls makes for a slow, easy pace as the bulls just lumber along, bellowing their displeasure at being told what to do and where to go.

While they ran them through the chute and poured them, I had things to tend to in the kitchen, but I was putting the lawn mower away when I saw them funneling the bulls into the pens:

We've got a good crew and it's fun to watch them work together. We missed one friend who was hurt recently in a horse wreck. Things just aren't the same without him helping. He'll be OK, but prayers are appreciated. I always send these boys out covered in prayer.

  DH rode through the bulls                    

 pulled old ones that will be retired and sorted the others into groups as they will be distributed to the various pastures this next week:


These boys work so well together:

Good weather. Good company. Good horses. Yep, there was a lot of smiling going on:

These boys love what they do and they do it well:


It was such a pretty morning and it was all I could do to drag myself back into the kitchen

I'm thankful everyone stayed safe this week and I'm thankful for a fridge full of leftovers because my kitchen is closed for the weekend. :)


  1. A closed kitchen sounds good to me. I'm dragging out my Insta Pot to cook some beef short ribs and Gene found the first of the poke greens. I'll cook them for him and pass on the greens!

  2. Good ranch hands are a true blessing. I'm thrilled that all went well. Love the photo of the ranch sign - it's beautiful.

  3. i'm busy making bread…took indian cooking class yesterday so i have spent quite a bit of my weekend in the kitchen…sewed a bit this morning…love those photos of the guys on horseback

  4. Karin, your photographs are wonderful, but there's one in particular that I think is exceptional. It's the one with the caption, "These boys work so well together." It's not often that we see stop action of men on horses. The man on the left is nearly perpendicular to the ground, but the horse is at an angle that one wonders that it doesn't fall over. Not to mention the angle of the bull! What a great photo!

    I hope you had a restful Sabbath and that you refused to open your kitchen.

    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  5. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.netApril 18, 2016 at 10:53 AM

    Thanks for letting us into your life. The pictures are wonderful.

  6. Too bad you don't have pizza delivery - I would love for you to take more photos - what a gorgeous place!! And the horses aren't too bad either( bwahh haa haa) Looks like you all got a lot done.
