Friday, April 15, 2016

Morning Greetings From the Kitchen Sink

It's 7:30 as I'm writing this. The crew has been filled with hot coffee, biscuits, gravy, eggs, bacon, and fruit and they have jingled out the door. The dishes have been washed, the counters have been wiped down, and bread is rising in the bread bowl. I contemplated sneaking in a nap, but chose to plop down here with you for a moment.

The boys loaded up and trailered out into the thick foggy morning about 7. They dawdled at the breakfast table hoping the fog would lift, but they were restless to get started and finally headed out. Finding cattle in this made for a challenging morning.

Monday was a long day and it was 7:30 before I got home from the sale barn. The crew had survived dinner without me. I felt un-needed. :) But all my prep work paid off. I even left the glasses filled with ice in the freezer:

This morning, while I was cracking the 24th egg, I found myself grinning. I had to buy eggs this week. I have 6 chickens and that's plenty, but 2 of them are old and I only get 4 or 5 eggs a day, once in a while I get 6, which suits our needs, but when I've got a crew, I have to buy eggs. I bought large eggs from Sam's.

They look tiny compared to the eggs my chickens lay. I think my feathered friends deserve some leftover biscuits this morning.

I've had some requests for recipes, but I didn't make anything new this week. Some of you asked for the Tabasco Pickle recipe. It's not even really a recipe, but I posted about it here a few years ago. Here's the link to that:

Tabasco Pickles

Yesterday evening I was released from my kitchen duties to pull the lawn mower out for the first time this year:

I mowed for an hour and a half and finally had to quit when it became too dark to see. I was too tired to even put it up before heading into the house and yes, I have an assistant. On Tuesday afternoon, I drove west 2 hours to pick up Harvey. Our girl had to attend a Ruminant Nutrition Conference out of state and asked us to doggy-sit for a week. The crew was bringing in bulls and they were bellowing up a storm. Harvey wasn't sure what to make of it.

So, duty calls and I'm off to pop those rolls into the oven. If I continue to sit here, I'll forget they're in there and they'll burn. I speak from experience. DH had to save the cranberry bread last night because I forgot about it while I mowed. :)


  1. My goodness, you put me to shame! I was feeling smug because I just made a double batch of gluten free zucchini pecan muffins. The biggest accomplishment I can claim all day!

  2. Thank you do much for sharing the recipe!! Wow, that's a lot of fog.
    Isn't it amazing the difference between store bought and farm produce!!!

  3. We flew from Dallas to California last Wed and the Pilot pointed out New Mexico. That's where you live, right? I was thinking of you anyway. We have 13 girls, 2 are old and lay infrequently. When we were gone 3 days we had 19 eggs! You need more chickens. We give most of them away, and pay for their food and goodies. I want to move to Texas now. I am praying for Gods will and selling some of my fabric stash. Have a nice weekend and try to take a nap. You work way harder than I do!!

  4. I always like your posts and pictures. Always cheerful. I`ve never been as busy as you except maybe during deer season when our hunting buddies brought their deer to my house to butcher. I buy my eggs a short walk up the road. Nice large eggs with thick shells and beautiful yolks. Thanks again for sharing.

  5. I love how organized you are with all the things you have to do. Planning ahead certainly pays off. But you are so busy with many counting on you. Kudos to you!

  6. Good morning Karin,, Eating on of my girls boiled eggs as I type, trying to lose a little weight and it's quick. A little original oatmeal on the side. Gotta go get some more fruit. A hawk got one the girls yesterday and now we are down to three. We have only been getting 2 eggs a day, so I hope Mo was the one not lying. We stateed with 6 about 5 yrs. ago and they are free range so I guess that is not bad.
    Do you get close to your girls and name them. We do, I mean it's not like or dog, car, or your favorite horse. But it still bothers us. If we are outside they are under our feet
    with the dogs and cat. So glad you shared the pickle recipe, been waiting. Hope this busy season gives you a break soon. Good to hear from you
    Blessings and hugs

  7. sounds like husband is good at self-preservation…he wanted to eat that cranberry bread that is why he was keeping an eye on it...

  8. Ohmy you are truly needed around there!!! And Harvey!! I still love him! He is beautiful!
