Monday, September 24, 2018

A Taste of Fall and the Week Ahead

I'm back in the kitchen this week. We're beginning our Fall Cow Works so the last few days have been filled with lists and menus and shopping:

As well as a really nice rain on Thursday afternoon:

The earlier rains came fast and hard and filled our dirt tanks. This one was slow and easy (0.6" here at the house) and just what we needed. We've still got time to grow more winter grass so this was the perfect follow-up to the earlier big rain. On behalf of the ranchers and livestock - Thank you, Jesus.

On Sunday morning we processed some cattle through the chute:

It's not often that the 1st day of Fall feels like the 1st day of Fall around here, but it was 48° when we went out to the pens and I was absolutely jubilant to pull on the first flannel shirt of the season!

I'm already tired and I haven't even made the first batch of biscuits.Thankfully, the time hasn't changed yet and it doesn't get light until after 6 so breakfasts won't mean 2:30 a.m. wake-up calls. I pulled some things together this weekend though since I am cooking and working at the sale barn today. I'll cook and feed them breakfast (waffles, eggs, sausage, and fruit), clean up the kitchen, and get things together in crock-pots for their dinner. I made salsa,

salad, will throw corn in one crock-pot, Tortilla Stack in a 2nd crock-pot, and give them Cowboy Cookies I baked yesterday for dessert.

For the next 6 days, if you need me, I'll be knee deep in  bread dough and soap suds...after the sale. They're calling for 1300-1400 hd today. Someone please send me some strength and vitality to get me through the week.


  1. Praying that your Fall work (inside and outside) is smooth sailing!

  2. I am always in awe of everything you do!

  3. I'm tired just reading about it! Have a great week!

  4. How do you do it?
    I'll send you some vitality (I'm not using it), if you'll send the cookies. :)

  5. Good luck with all the cooking and baking! I am sure hubby and all the ranch hands appreciate all that you do!

  6. I have trouble with coffee - it makes my heart race and my hands shake, BUT Five Hour Energy is just right - I'm awake but not running laps. I recommend it for a long day at the sale yard. Years ago I used to clerk the sales, I really did not look forward to the Fall sales - you go girl!!!!

  7. You can do it!! You'll be happy and pooped when it's all over. Just saw on our weather than we've had over 12" of rain so far this Sept., setting a new record that was set in 1932..whoa! Our cooler weather's supposed to start tmrw..think I'm ready (but NOT for the cold to come). I hum Rawhide when reading your posts (rollin', rollin', rollin'..HA).
