Saturday, September 22, 2018

Under the Needle - September

September has been a slow month in my sewing room. I haven't made much progress on much of anything. I did finish my big stitch table runner. Well, I finished the stitching on it and I am currently hand stitching the binding down as time allows

 I quilted several sets of yet more pot holders:

 And I pulled out this fabric:

to make an apron

Back in the day, when the kids were growing up, I made a lot of their clothes:

And it was fun:

I loved it:

And they were always SO excited when they got up in the morning and found something new I had made for them.

Our girl will fuss at this next one and surely comment on my fashion choice for her, but I still think she was pretty cute in  those rompers.


I always had to alter the patterns - adding 3-4" in length to everything. This is why:


Both kids were built like colts...all arms and legs.

Now, these paper patterns make me crazy:

But I really wanted an apron from this fabric and I will use it often:

I love the brown gingham bias:

And the straps that cross in the back

I ordered this Clover bias maker

All I can say is, this would have been SO handy back when I was making clothes! I love it and it'll be great for when I'm making all the ties for the drawstring bags I keep making.

My love of quilting has steamrolled my desire to make anything else these days that does not require quilt stitches. On the other hand, I have to admit that a lot of sweet memories came rushing in when I pinned that paper to the fabric.

Somehow, aprons and drawstring bags pale in comparison.


  1. Love all the pictures of your children! I sewed for mine, too, and love the memories--thanks for reminding me of them. And isn't that bias tape maker just the best?!?

    Happy weekend!

  2. Precious memories!

    The apron is cute made from that fabric, especially with the checkered binding. I use a similar tool when preparing my single-fold quilt binding. It keeps me from burning my fingers when I press the binding.

  3. Darling photos of the kiddos'! Especially that last one. Your apron turned out great, doesn't look like you forgot too much :) Glad you've been able to do a bit of sewing.

  4. What sweet pics of your kids. I sewed mostly clothes and household items up until I got the quilt bug too. Aprons always remind me of my dear grandma who never was without one in the kitchen. Your big stitch runner looks good, too.

  5. Oh, the memories! I love that you sewed for your kiddos. I did for my two as well. And I had to alter patterns, not because they were long limbed, but because my son was/is still very thin. I would just keep making the same pants pattern and add more length to the legs. I loved sewing all kinds of dresses for my daughter and even learned to smock a few of them. But seeing your kids makes me smile to know that they enjoyed your efforts and had such cute and loved clothing to wear. Love the apron by the way. The bias brown fabric really adds zing to it!

  6. So cute! Such precious pictures. And the apron came out great! Love your fabric choices, naturally.

  7. Your blog is Best in the West!!! I love reading about your life as it is so much like mine was living on the ranch and also making my kids western clothes because back then, there were no cowboy and cowgirl shirts.

  8. What sweet photos and memories. I love that you captured your family’s heritage so beautifully. I agree about the quilting, though. It sort of takes over.

  9. That's great fabric for an apron! And I love the brown gingham bias, too. I made lots of my daughters' dresses but have so few photos of them. You're lucky to have taken lots. Cute children, cute clothes, too.

  10. Great Pictures of your children in their cute clothes you sewed for them. Love reading about the memories you shared when going back to using patterns. It's been too long for me to return to clothes sewing, I'm afraid. Your apron came out wonderful. It is bound to get some attention with such fun fabric.
