Saturday, May 2, 2020

Springing into Summer

Yes, that's my sad attempt at a clever title. 😉
Here in New Mexico we are blessed with over 300 days of endless sunshine in a year. We often have huge swings in temperatures within 24 hours. 40 degrees in a day is not unusual. And we've had absolutely beautiful weather for months now, but the definitive sign of Spring is when the Mesquite begins to leaf out

This is a sign that we won't have any more freezes and it's safe to plant a garden:

Another sign is the arrival of the buzzards, but I don't have a photo of those so I'm borrowing one from Google:

Then I had a surprise out in the chicken coop the other day. When I peeked into a nesting box, I saw scales and I jumped back faster than I've jumped in 40 years. Once my heart had settled back into my chest, I watched this fella peek out:

Yes, he looks little, but DH slowly coerced him around and he climbed into another nesting box

He was a 5' Bull Snake and I never did get a very good picture of him. DH relocated him because Bull snakes are good snakes.

I know, a lot of ya'll say the only good snake is a dead snake, but Bull snakes will eat Rattlesnakes so he is welcome...just not in my chicken coop to dine on eggs. Now I have a little visit with Jesus every time I head to the coop.

This is also the time of they year we replenish our hay. DH unloaded 2 trucks with an ancient backhoe that he miraculously keeps running:

Yesterday we officially hit our first (of many I might add) 100° day. Welcome to May in the desert.

Last week I tackled a weed bed:

Realizing I needed to be supervised, Skeet planted himself smack dab in the middle:

The weeds are out, but so is my back...well, it's not really out, but I sure didn't feel like a spring chicken when I crawled out of there.

Much better

And threw out a variety of seeds

I rarely buy flowers from the nursery, but I did bring a few home

However, it now looks like this

You can see one of the culprits peeking through behind the fence. She's probably concocting a demolition scheme. My attempts at growing bedding plants through the years have been pretty sad, but when I went out to clean out the garden in preparation for planting I found this among the weeds:

Proof that God knows much better than I do!


  1. Hope your garden does well Karin. Lovely little flowers. That snake would of scared the beejeebee's out of me!! We have rattlers here too, as well as Bull snakes. I'm always scared someone is going to get bit. Thankfully none of us have yet. Have a great day!

  2. WHEW!! You been BUSY (but then what's new?)!! We're getting up in the 90's the next several days so right behind you. It's good you know a good snake from a bad..I'd never stick around long enough to be sure. LOL That longer narrow flower bed made an amazing turnaround with your help. Should be gorgeous once those flowers start growing (IF the dang chickens let em!).

  3. thanks for posting so often, I love reading about your life out west.the flower bed is looking good!

  4. That snake was scary even if he is a good snake!!! Your flower bed looks great! Skeet looks a little grumpy, not his usual happy self! It is way to early for 100 degree weather!

  5. Whoah! The snake story is scarry. I'm not afraid of snake, like garden snake but 5'? No thanks. Glad you have Jesus with you in the coop. Hard to believe you are already in the 100 degrees. Goodness, winter is short at your end. lol. We had a snow fall on the 15th of April. It's getting warmer now but the grass still feels cold. Beautiful flowers. Enjoy! ;^)

  6. Oh my word! I'd have to have a Jesus meeting before stepping foot back in the coop, too! Your flowerbed looks wonderful after the cleanup -- I don't think I'd have the energy for that.
