Friday, May 1, 2020

This Made Me Smile

I know these past few months have been trying and I know this virus is serious. I am in no way trying to make light of the current situation, but I wanted to share this You Tube video that brought a bit of happiness to my morning in hopes that it will do the same for ya'll. You may have already seen it, but I'm sharing anyway.

Now, normally, I am in the camp of DON'T mess with a classic. Don't mess with John Wayne Movies. Don't mess with Snoopy or Winnie the Pooh or Casablanca. And don't mess with The Sound of Music. I LOVE The Sound of Music. I was born in Frankfurt, Germany and growing up, I spent quite a bit of time in Austria and Germany. This dirt road girl didn't start out on a dirt road. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Do Re Me - Covid 19 Version


  1. Thank you for sharing this, it gave me a giggle. My husband and I love watching The Sound of Music. This may forever change the way I sing this song.

  2. That's's another (hope it comes thru)

  3. I lived in Salzburg (and other places in Austria) in the 50's. Loved this program.

  4. Thanks for linking to my song. I'm glad I didn't destroy the movie you loved too. :)
    Not sure if you've seen it, but I also did a version of My Favourite Things, and the latest video I uploaded is of Supercalafragilistic.... from Mary Poppins. There's other Covidised versions of Somewhere over the Rainbow, the Oompa Loompa song and more. You can find them all on my Youtube channel.
