This little, sleepy town put on a good quilt show...about 250 quilts and oodles of inspiration. Quilters are the friendliest people and you can tell right away how passionate they are about quilting. I didn't see a grouch in the bunch and we enjoyed some delightful conversations with fellow quilt-addicts. While I browsed the booths, searching for that elusive piece of fabric I couldn't live without, Holly perused the offerings and every time I turned around, she was visiting with someone she knew, or striking up a conversation with a new face. She found the cutest sheep fabric and although I'm not a fan of sheep, these were adorable. She and I hadn't caught up with each other for probably almost a year and the lengthy drive gave us the perfect opportunity to visit.
The quilts were stunning and the pictures I took simply can not do them justice, but I'll share a few that caught my eye.
I've never jumped on the Batik bandwagon and I'm still holding off because I really don't need to start another stash...of anything! However, I really liked this. The background is all Batik squares and I think she did a wonderful job of dispersing the colors.
I'm not a purple person, but this one just had a lot of eye appeal. The colors were so rich and regal - so NOT me! LOL! Although my mom was once approached by a sheik on a flight to Europe and he inquired whether I could be part of his harem! I think I was 12. Sure am glad she wasn't mad at me that day! What a hoot! So if I ever make one like this, I guess it could be my Harem quilt! LOL!
I only picked up a couple of pieces of yardage that I knew would be perfect. Perfect for what, you ask? I haven't a clue, but I'm fairly certain they will be perfect in something down the line and everyone needs some barnwood in their stash!
I was thrilled to find this book. It's hard to find equine related ideas and the colts in this book are wonderful. I don't think I'll be putting a hat on one anytime soon, but this book gives you lots of options. Some of them are decked out a bit oddly, but I suppose that's what makes it versatile although I can pretty much guarantee that the ones that end up on my quilts will be au-natural although I'm not ruling out a little paisley colt.
Look at his darling little colt:
I simply could not leave without this pattern. I think it will make the cutest baby quilts and the vendor had it made up for both a baby boy and a baby girl. Just way too cute!
I picked up this strange looking contraption too. It looks suspiciously like a math ruler; something that has close ties to Geometry.
Shudder. Eeewww, I think my hands are beginning to break out in a cold sweat.
I have unpleasant memories of High School Geometry class and I'm realizing that the good Lord is probably getting a chuckle (I'm certain he was chuckling while I was sitting in Geometry too since he knew this would happen!) out of the fact that I am now choosing to work with geometrics! I'm going to join in on a hexagon quilt-a-long online and this ruler is needed for the class. This should be interesting. You know, maybe Mr. Loller should have taught us geometry through quilting!
Come to think of it, that never would worked...I despised the thought of anything related to domesticity back then. Yes, God. I hear you chuckling.
Whew! Long Post...sorry, but what a fun day! However, the amazing weather is much too enticing to stay inside any longer. I am headed out to work in the yard and I promise to leave the quilting world behind in my next couple of posts! I'll probably still be quilting, but I just won't tell you about it! LOL!
Oh dear. I'm starting geometry next week. I cracked up with the whole harem/sheik thing. That is the strangest thing I have heard (today) lol! Beautiful quilts, sounds like y'all had FUN!
I love quilt shows. I don't quilt myself, although geometry was the only math subject I actually maybe I should! But I love seeing what others do. You selected some gorgeous ones to profile here. Glad you had a fun time!
MY HS Geometry teacher did use quilting as a tool t teach us. He said over and over that quilting was nothing but Geometry! Which might be why I don't think I'll ever be a quilter!
Looks like a fun day and trip. Glad you got to go.
I love the barnwood fabric, and please don't stop talking about quilting!
your comments don't leave your email.. so i can't reply directly to you... one jelly roll & solid yardage will make a baby/lap quilt... so you can get 2 jelly rolls if you'll want it to be a lot bigger... i'll be giving more info on sat with the next step.
BK- well quilting will ease your Geometry nerves!
Agent713- yes, you should take up quilting! Afterall, isn't that what all of us at SS are all about...enabling?! LOL!
Shelljo- In HS that went right over my head, but quilting now has de-mystified it! It's just so much fun!
M- Missed you!
Shelly- I don't think I can! I'm even dreaming about it! Oye! I think I need help!
Jaybird - thank you so much! Just wanted to get enough fabric ordered while there was fabric left to be had! Sorry if we're stalking you about this project! I don't think quilters are known for their patience! LOL!
How fun! GREAT pics of all the quilts...going to have to show my mil as she is an avid quilter. Glad you had a great time. Talk soon.
sounds like a cool quilt show. But I have to say when you said Ogallalla quilt show - I thought you were in Nebraska.
Good luck with your patriotic stash and making a Quilt of Valor
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