This week we had our usual Monday sale on Tuesday so folks could enjoy Easter. If the sale's on Monday, the sale barn crew has to work on Sunday, receiving cattle. It was a short sale, as holiday sales generally are, and we were finished at noon. That gave me time to run a few errands and bring home a dozen of these
Every 3 years or so I replenish my flock as the older chickens move into retirement:
This year I brought home 3 Red Sex Links, 3 Black Sex Links, 3 Red Productions, and 3 Easter Eggers.
I hauled an empty water tub into the bunkhouse and set up a little brooder to welcome them home
Hard to believe these little fluffballs will devour a 50# sack of starter in a matter of weeks.
but they eat nonstop:
You can't even see the feeder when they converge upon it
They are fun to watch - this little one looks like she's praying. LOL
I am easily entertained
I don't know why baby chicks bring me so much joy, but they do!