Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Peep! Peep!

 This week we had our usual Monday sale on Tuesday so folks could enjoy Easter. If the sale's on Monday, the sale barn crew has to work on Sunday, receiving cattle. It was a short sale, as holiday sales generally are, and we were finished at noon. That gave me time to run a few errands and bring home a dozen of these

Every 3 years or so I replenish my flock as the older chickens move into retirement:

This year I brought home 3 Red Sex Links, 3 Black Sex Links, 3 Red Productions, and 3 Easter Eggers.

I hauled an empty water tub into the bunkhouse and set up a little brooder to welcome them home

Hard to believe these little fluffballs will devour a 50# sack of starter in a matter of weeks.

 but they eat nonstop:

You can't even see the feeder when they converge upon it

They are fun to watch - this little one looks like she's praying. LOL

I am easily entertained

I don't know why baby chicks bring me so much joy, but they do!


Sherrill said...

Oh my GOSH!! The praying chick and that last pic are the cutest! I know nothing chicky so just asking...can you tell if they're male or female when they're tiny?

Mary Ehrichs said...

We had 11 little darlings in a kiddie pool in the basement for a while. The grandkids would just sit there and watch and squeal. They are darlings for a while.

Janet O. said...

Oh, this takes me back! My grandpa raised prize chickens, but my favorite thing on the farm was visiting the Quonset hut where he had a large enclosed area under heat lamps for the new little chicks. So many memories attached to the sight of these little fluff balls on your blog today!

Gretchen Weaver said...

I like to start my chicks in an empty water tank also. Chicks are so cute, I really enjoy watching how them run around. Hope you have some time for stitching this week.

Patty McDonald said...

This is the exact way I've raise baby chicks for over 40 years. We have a 'girl' that turns 8(!!!) this June. Unbelievable, but she lays an egg once or twice a week. She's an aerocana (sp.?)...lays green eggs. Our other hens are only 3 years old and lay every other day. That's enough for the 2 of us.

Violet said...

By retirement do you mean fricassee? Yikes!

Sally Langston Warren said...

I am easily entertained too! These chicks are precious! What a timely post. Our neighbor had three chickens (names Chicken, Pot, and Pie) that were free range and their range was basically the neighborhood. It was fun to look outside and see all three scratching in your yard. He also had a rabbit that traveled around. She was fun to feed. Well, a fox got two of the chickens yesterday. We think the fox also got the rabbit because no one’s seen her recently. I had to chuckle at the names of the kinds of chickens you got. Usually they are long elaborately named breeds! Hope you will update us as they grow!

Chantal said...

It must be so much fun watching the little fluffballs. Just adorable. We never had chicks at home or chickens but I'm sure I would be quite entertained by them. Enjoy! ;^)

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

Sweet memories of going to the Co-op with Grandmother to bring home new chicks. Grandmother was so faithful in caring for them (cause they gave her eggs and eventually Sunday dinner)

Jenny said...

Your new baby chicks are beautiful, no wonder you love watching their cute antics. I'm sure they will soon grow ig and string and supply you with lots of healthy eggs.

Joy in NW Iowa said...

Your chicks are so cute! Are you safe from all the fires? Sure hope so!

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