However, a few days ago, I did dust the poor thing off and begin to whisper sweet nothings into the bobbin case. When I actually sat down behind it, I felt like I was enjoying a long overdue visit with an old friend.
Presently, I need to really work on a quilt block for a dear friend's daughter's wedding quilt. I've been in a quandry as to what to do, but I think I've just about settled upon something. The square we were asked to design is "Texas Cowboy Poetry" and they wanted to incorporate the poems A. had written. A few days ago I stumbled upon this design that I love and want to include

so I'm hoping to get the quilt block done this week.
Before I left for Texas, I started piecing the blocks for another quilt. This fabric line is way out of my comfort zone, but I must have been feeling adventurous that day and I know I must be making it for someone else who will love it - hopefully.
I finished the top for this quilt:
Just need to find a backing.
I embroidered a tea towel for a friend the other day, but I gave it to her without taking a picture. I also have to get quite a few more done for Christmas, but I am in need of some good quality flour sack towels. The ones I picked up locally simply will not do and this little pink angel needs to be on a nice towel.
This baby quilt is in the midst of being pieced as well.
Posting this for Bobbie who let me know I needed to include a photo. Here you go girl, just a peek though:
Then I have this collection of wool.
When DH and I were driving back from San Antone, we stopped at this little shop in Brady. I needed some yarn to send to a friend and I thought DH might like to choose some wool for me to make him a vest. Well he saw this enormous wool selection and piped up, "I'm thinking a hunting quilt!" LOL! So we commenced to picking and choosing pieces and I am waitng for the Fall weather to arrrive so that I can begin to piece him a patchwork wool quilt. I adore this man, but I'm not too keen on sewing with wool when its still 90° outside! However, the a tent...I'm thinking it'll be mighty handy to have around!
I also put together a jar for a scrapbooking swap last week. We had to alter the jar in the colors chosen (she chose red and blue) and this is what I came up with:
I hope she likes it. I've never altered anything before and it's been a coon's age since I scrapped anything.
Then I made a few cards for some friends whose twins are turning 2:
These were fun to make, but I don't know where that odd shadow next to Piglet came from.
I am also practicing on my machine quilting skills. At this point, I'm afraid to quilt on a big quilt in fear of making a mess of things.
So there you have it. A sewing - crafting update. It'll probably be a while before I have anything else to share as far as sewing goes because we are on the cusp of beginning our Fall Works in a couple of weeks and my sewing machine will once again be relegated to that lonely corner while I lavish all of my attention on the cast iron cookware.
I love love love that little angel you have to put on a tea towel! Where did you get that pattern? I've got to have it!
And I love that corner western motif . It's beautiful. Is it a decal or a pattern you will embroider or fabric print?
Oh, so fun! I love all your projects, and that hunting quilt is going to be AMAZING! Actually, all of them are. :-) I so identify with your first paragraph right now, that is me exactly.
Just so happens that next week at Quilting guild we are starting a machine quilting workshop. One Tuesday a month all year....just saying.
Oh and Bible study starts in October, you asked, I found out. :)
I ran off this morning with DH checking waters. Should have stayed home and sewn something......But I will take him over the machine anyday. Ha
Shelljo - My machine has embroidery capabilities and thus, these are patterns I downloaded from I order when their patterns are 60% off. I ended up not using the western corner because I didn't have enough room, but you can bet its going on something! I found another pattern for the quilt block.
Naomi - With all of the wonderful losting adventures ya'll go on, I don't see how you find the time to sew! I am so envious! I hope the hunting quilt turns out well. Any suggestions for a pattern. Just patchwork squares or something like Turning Twenty? I have one vote for each from friends and would love your inout!
Ranch Wife - Ugh. The first 2 Tuesdays in Oct. will have me slaving over a hot stove, but...I just might have to look into that. Gay called about Bible Study...probably have to miss 2 of those for the above reason too.
And yes, I'm thinking you made a good call about joining DH. When that fall weather finally shows up, I'll be tagging along beside him most every day.
I think you have a great eye for fabric selection. I love the fabric that you picked for the baby quilt--so unusual and yet so right. Also, the fabric "out of your comfort zone" is gorgeous. Can't wait to see how the whole quilt turns out. I love that G. wants you to make him a hunting quilt--appreciation goes a long way!
For not working on your sewing much lately, you sure have been industrious!
I LOVE patchwork anything, but the Turning Twenty would look REALLY cool. I vote Turning Twenty, just because I'd usually vote patchwork... haha! But, I don't think you can go wrong with either of those!
Oh, you're so right...sugar twist is great in Blush...and I love your other quilt here as well! And 17 inches of rain...I would love to even get an measureable rain here since last spring!
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