edited: Warning: today's post contains trophy shots. I had an unhappy reader leave me a comment and let me know that this post was inappropriate so I have moved the photos down in case you do not wish to continue reading. I apologize for not doing so initially.
On the evening of day 10, as we were heading back to camp, we spotted a warthog close to the road. DH made a good shot and it all happened so fast that no one realized just how big of a warthog he was:
Yes, I know he is ugly, but he's kinda cute in his own warthog way and those tusks and warts are huge!
On day 12 we moved to the main camp, Camp Pedza to explore a different part of the concession.
Camp Pedza is very nice:

We slept well, but missed our tent and the accompanying hippo and elephant sound effects although we traded them for hyena laughter:
Our dining facilities:

I would love to have a spot like this at the ranch, but I can't imagine keeping it clean. The way the dirt and wind blows, I don't think it would work.
Plus, we don't have Bushbabies!

This camp has a few resident Bushbabies that entertained us around the fire in the evenings, but capturing them with a camera is a challenge. Popcorn is placed at the base of a tree and you sit and stare at it and then, POP. They jump from the neighboring trees and snatch a kernel and before you can say Boo, they catapult a good 10 ft.back into the tree with their treasure.

So we have lots of photos like this:

The pictures I did get aren't great, but I was tickled to get any at all. I would just point the camera and see nothing but black and DH would lean over and whisper, "NOW" and I would press the shutter.

We spent some time sitting in the shade of a river bed
where we spied some Bushbuck tracks and were treated to some playful Baboons gallivanting about in the jungle of trees across from us:
They were hard to see through the camera lens so I just pointed it in the direction of the tree and hoped there would be baboons when I loaded them:
We were surprised to run across a pack of African Wild Dogs:

They are indigenous to the area and generally nocturnal:

And we closed out our phenomenal hunt with this handsome Impala:

And so we have come to the end of our journey. Thanks for sticking with me as I documented our African Safari! DH and I will no doubt be revisiting our experience again and again, but y'all won't have to suffer through that although I do have this panel
and have plans to turn it into a quilt, but hopefully you won't mind one more nod to Africa if its in quilt form. I don't usually pick up panels, but I bought this one probably 4 years ago, hoping we would one day get to see the real thing and it'll probably be another 4 years before it becomes a quilt. :)
The following translates to 'goodbye mate' or 'stay well my friend' in Shona. Thank you.
Sarai zvakanaka my shamwari! Tatenda for joining us!

This is NOT the format to leave pictures of killing animals. Quilters should take it off. I DO NOT want to see things like this again. Yes, I can skip over it, but don't put this type of blog on this thread. Shame.
E Lee - I would have liked to comment to you, but you are a non-reply blogger and did not leave me an email where you might otherwise be reached so I am leaving my reply here in hopes that you will see it. I am sorry if you were offended, but obviously you are not one of my regular readers. Yes, I am a quilter, but my blog is a journal of our lives and we hunt and ranch as well as make quilts. This post is part 8 of a series and I warned my readers previously that trophy photos were included in my attempt to document our trip in case they did not wish to see those. Perhaps I should have added that warning here as well. I apologize for that. In earlier posts I explained that the animals taken provide food for the local villages and they are very thankful for the meat that is their main source of protein.
I've missed a post or two while I was gone, but I have loved seeing the adventures you had. What a life changing experience and I appreciate you sharing it with us!
Thank you SO much for taking me to Africa! Not a place I will ever get to so seeing it through your eyes is fantastic!
Of course there will be kills... it is a hunting trip! And knowing the meat went to villagers made it okay:)
I bet that quilt will be finished before you know it:)
Well I have Loved your posts!! I would love to go on a safari and have my hubby hunt. It would be the trip of a lifetime! You should have posted gutting the animal!! To see Gods creatures up close like that! Wow!! Thank you. Don't let one idiot think she rules this blog, it's your story of a ranch wife. Thank you again. I will return to your story again!
i love your post , have enjoyed your trip with you
Hmmm, I can't believe someone would have the temerity to dictate what you post on YOUR blog.
I enjoyed every one of your safari posts and wished there were many more. Living in the West, I know that to keep wild animals healthy, the herds must be culled by hunters or by Nature. Predators cannot control the necessary numbers, so if hunting was not allowed, the herd would suffer from sickness and disease. Hunting is a humane way to control herd size as well as breeding stock.
Was the dining area outside? It looks amazing.
It's your blog, post whatever you want! Enjoyed seeing your trip. Thank you for sharing.
LOL, well it was nice of you to put your pictures down some for those who didn't wish to see. I, for one, enjoyed your posts. What a wonderful, amazing trip you had. Such fantastic memories. Thanks for sharing it with us! (I doubt I'll ever step foot outside American soil, so it was so very nice for me to see pictures of another place.)
Your blog. Do what you want! If we don't like it....don't read it!
I thoroughly enjoyed your trip and posts and will be sad that it is over. I think the one reader is out of line, but there is always one. So glad you covered all the various things that you did and shared the philosophy of the culture and people. Wish I could have been on the trip with you.
Thank you, thank you for this wonderful narrative. I enjoyed every word and every photo --and wish it wouldn't end. :-) What wonderful memories you and hubby have to share in the years ahead.
I've loved every one of your post and would like to see more! I am shocked that someone would be so stupid to try to force her ideas of what she wants to see on someone's post! Pure ignorance. She probably contacts her TV station if she's "offended" by a news article or some show. Poor thing probably has an inferiority complex and this is the only way she can feel superior.
I love seeing the bush babies! I didn't realize they could jump so fast and so far. Great pictures of you and DH too! The wild life panel....Wonderful way to have a daily reminder of such an adventure. Depending on the size of the panel, I would try to quilt, frame and hang it as is. It's a stunning piece. And so sorry, I must make one more jab....This is America!
I have enjoyed this trip thru you. Thank you for sharing, I shared via Email to a friend of mine and I hope she has started following your blog. Africa is not on my bucket list, but have truly enjoyed your photos, trophies, and documentation. I imagine you will make a wonderful scrap book for you and DH to enjoy in the years to come. What an adventure to share with your future grandchildren. :)
PS: It continues to amaze me at how much DH looks like Uncle. You both look wonderful.
Thanks so much for all your posts of your 'holiday;....it's no wonder you took so long to come back down to earth.
It really brought our own African adventure all back again.
I loved all the photos and all the information you gathered along the way.
THAT man in Zim has a lot to answer for but we are not to judge - he will have to answer to THE Judge one day and will have to account for the hardship he brought on his people.
I gather his successor is no different.
Enjoy reminiscing!
Amazing stories of your adventures in Africa--like reading a travelog. Did you save the horns/antlers/hides at all for trophies?
What wonderful memories you will have!!! and great pics. You will have to have a picture book made....would make a wonderful Christmas present:)
I love each and every post of your trip. It was fun to read about, and great for us who will never get to make a trip to Africa. Thank you for sharing with us.
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