I know that brown is probably the most disliked color among the quilting community , but I'm in the minority because I love it and I have the stash to prove it:
I didn't even know that there was such a thing as a color of the year, but somewhere I ran across the fact that Mocha was the color of the year for 2025 so maybe I'm finally on board with a trend. That'd be a first. LOL.
I know that for most of you, the winters are filled with brown and in places it's known as khaki season but, around here it also shares space with the deepest blue sky and loads of bright sunshine:
I have a soft spot for brown
and those of you who have been here for a while know how much I love my dirt road so when I stumbled upon this pattern, it shouldn't surprise you that I caved:

I've had the pattern in a bin for 5 or 6 years, but while I was looking for something else, I peeked inside and decided it was time to start cutting. I pulled some other fabrics from my stash because I want a scrappier rendition
Pressing and cutting take time, but every step moves the project forward and I'm in no hurry. It may be a week before I get to my sewing room, but it's not going anywhere.
I found the following somewhere online years ago and I loved the way the author brought the color to life.
Brown is the color of hearth and home - of dried herbs and stone-ground bread and freshly baked cookies. It represents all of the nurturing, life-sustaining, down to earth qualities of terra firma, the very shade of the earth itself. Just as in the sturdy oak, brown represents roots, a steady, stable source of security, comfort, and normalcy. It is the color of fertile soil and plowed earth, buckskin and rawhide, weathered redwood, bison and mustang, frontier land - rugged and outdoorsy. It is pine cone and bracken, chipmunk and acorn, beaver and doe. Brown is considered a classic shade of solid substance. ~Leatrice Eiseman, "Brown: Earthy and Real," Colors For Your Every Mood - 1998
Well said! So I'll be happily puttering with my collection of brown fabrics for the foreseeable future. 😉
Yes! Brown! Let's not forget chocolate and coffee!
I love that pattern, your quilt will be lovely with the various shades of brown. Happy stitching!
I love all your lovely 'brown' photos--thanks--the only color I have a problem with is --Orange--not sure why--just do--except in the fall--I do love orange pumpkins and such!!
that quilt will be neat as it 'grows' in your sewing room--
hugs, di
an ideal pattern for brown...i have lots of it but am slowly using more and more...
I love brown too! They are my favorite quilts!I love the pattern your making.
As the only brown eyed child in a family of blue and hazel eyes, many of my Mama-made clothes were brown and I have to say it got really old. Now I enjoy putting a bit of brown in quilts, but have no brown clothes at all! Your quilt is going to be lovely, and the association with your beloved dirt road is meaningful.
This will be a warm, beautiful quilt!
I made a brown teddy bear flying a kite baby quilt one year long ago. But not just any brown will do. I tend to hang on to my brown scraps, thinking I might never find such lovely browns again. Your quilt will be beautiful. See? Beautiful brown.
I like all your browns... and your baby brown calf - so cute!
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