Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Are You Still Making Quilts?

 This is a question I'm frequently asked since we've moved. The short answer is yes... eventually. Probably when winter sets in. We've just had so many projects we've wanted and needed to tackle to make sure things were in place before winter set in and the weather is just too glorious to be spending time indoors. And even after dark, we'd rather sit out on the deck, visit, and listen to the mountains close out the day.

This house is 19 years old and the former owners put a lot of thought and love into the details. We had originally thought we'd find a piece of property and build, but we fell in love with this property and it came with a beautiful home. If we had built, I would have chosen 90% of this home to build.  The only thing I would change would be to add an outdoor kitchen and a quilting studio, but honestly, this house is more than we need or ever even imagined.

There are 2 nice sized guest rooms and an office so the only option is to use one of the guest rooms to sew in. Living way out here, folks often spend the night so I really need to keep 2 rooms for guests right now. There is an older home on the property and we are considering demolishing it and building a small guest cabin so then I would dedicate one of the rooms in our house for sewing. But that's a project for later.

In the meantime, I have a lovely space to sew and I am looking forward to setting things up in there. The room is 15 x 16.The closet's not very big, but all of my project boxes fit nicely on the shelves. Moving my fabric stash made me realize I have way too much though.

And there is room on the right side for fabric bolts and for hanging quilt tops

The quilt shop in Ruidoso (an hour away) is collecting quilts and quilting supplies for those affected by the recent fires and floods so I will comb through what I have and donate things there. The little local library in a small town 32 miles away, is supported by a thrift store and there are a lot of quilters in the area so I will also donate supplies there as well. I went in to get a library card and they were raffling off a quilt so I plan to donate another one after this raffle concludes. 

Currently, I have 5 quilts that are waiting for binding so that should get me through the winter. It rained one afternoon so I did take the time to trim 2 quilts

This cart was our island in our previous kitchen. I found it at Sam's years ago and I've always liked it. I was determined to keep it, but did not have a spot for it in this kitchen, but it makes the perfect cutting table with great storage!

I also repurposed this cabinet which a local woodworker made for me to use as a microwave cabinet in the old kitchen. I love it too, but once again, there was no space in our current kitchen. However, it makes a great addition to my sewing room!

Once I actually get in here and sew, I'll be moving things around, but for now the drawer behind the doors is the perfect space for fat quarters and the space below is pretty much empty except for my sewing box that holds thread.

I like that piece so much - I would love to have Bobby make another one and set the pair on either side of my sewing table, but sadly, he is no longer able to work.

DH was away for a few days tending to our cows so I dug out the quilt I started binding before the move and added a few stitches to it one evening. I've always been a slow binder and now I've gotten even slower because I spend more time watching the mountains than I do binding.


And I turned on my sewing machine the other day for the first time in 3 months and made a toddler pillowcase to add to a box I was sending to our granddaughter 

I'm still unpacking boxes and trying to find things, but I did put my sewing machine out on the deck one afternoon and sew binding to the front of a quilt. Best sewing room ever!

Friday, October 18, 2024

In the Kitchen

 One of the blessings of moving to the mountains is being closer to my in-laws and having them over for Sunday dinner. 

At 86, I think my MIL is tired of cooking. She was such a wonderful cook and many of our family favorites have been passed down from her. I couldn't cook when we married and I tease her that she shared so many recipes because she wanted to ensure I fed her boy well.😂

My mom was a great cook as well and growing up, I often  heard, "feed your husband." 😂

So with grooming from both sides of the family, I had to step up to the plate. 😂

Thankfully, DH is not picky so that has made it fun for me to try new recipes. With the move, I haven't done that lately, but, I got a box of Jonathan apples a few weeks ago

And my dehydrator has been busy making dried apples...lots and lots of dried apples. We've been snacking on them, the kids each get a gallon bag stuffed with them, and I make some for my FIL

Apple pie has been on the menu

On Wednesday our low was 37° - it was cool and wet and baked apples were requested

I should have gotten another box because we all love homemade applesauce, but with apple season being in the middle of the recent move, I didn't feel ready to tackle that, but I made these Pumpkin Pie Spiced Snickerdoodles last Saturday 

DH smoked a chicken on Sunday. I made baked beans, fried okra, jalapeno poppers, and our favorite mac & cheese to go with it when my in-laws were here. Summer Berry Pie for dessert!

So, no new recipes to share today, but I feel like we're finally settling in and I'm feeling incredibly spoiled in this new kitchen.

- even if I still walk around opening drawers and cabinets looking for things. Half of them are empty because previously, I had a small kitchen and I don't have that much stuff. (the door on the top right goes into the mud room - the one to the left of the fridge is the pantry)

And yes, that is a tv above the door to the pantry. I do spend a lot of time in the kitchen, but I certainly don't need a tv in there - the previous owners left it - I doubt I'll ever turn it on+. I love the huge windows (that need to be cleaned on the outside - those wooden windows are HEAVY and I need DH to help me remove the screens so I can wash the windows)

I also didn't have a pantry in the house we just left and I'm excited to have one here. With shelves on all 4 sides, I've got a ton of room. I may or may not open it often just to look at it. 😂

I think I'll have to start thumbing through those cookbooks and try something new soon. So, I'm still cooking, but it feels REALLY odd to not be fixing meals for a crew of cowboys for days on end. After 38 years, I've been programmed to cook for them during spring branding and fall weaning and shipping. I certainly don't miss stumbling into the kitchen at 2:30 a.m. to start breakfast though! Still, it's going to take some reprogramming, because I was up at 3 this morning without an alarm, thinking I had overslept. 😳

Monday, October 7, 2024


 Lots of folks have been asking if DH is retiring. This is my response. 🤣🤣🤣. 

Those that know him, know that 'retirement' is not in his genes. After all, our first project is putting in 2 miles of new fence in the mountains.

Our broker is a friend we've known for over 37 years and even she wondered. She's good friends with a ranch owner we know and when he found out we were moving to the area he told her, "Have him call me!" She said she left it open, but she didn't think DH was looking for a "job ".

He just spent 10 days in Texas gathering our cows and weaning our calves. Spent 1/2 a day at home and then spent 2 days as a judge for a ranch rodeo.

Friends are inquiring in disbelief, "but what is he going to DO?" We're still working. Just working for ourselves now. After all, ranchers don't retire.

But never fear - there is a list of projects.

There are welded, pipe horse pens to build. Old fence to tear out and roll up. 2 shops and a barn to clean out because much was left behind. An old chicken coop to break down. A new chicken coop to construct. An orchard to plant. Wood to cut. A garden to grow. Roads to build. Horses to work with. Cows to tend. Country to explore. A fishing pond to dig. Brush to clear. Weeds to spray. A fire pit area to install. A yard to make. A shop to set up. Sheds and old wire to break down and haul out. Friends to visit. Hunts to plan. A house to turn into a home. And most importantly, family to enjoy and grandbabies to spoil.

In other words: memories to make.

If he worked as hard as he did for someone else in his former life (80 hour weeks were the norm), he'll work just as hard, if not harder for us so, I think it's safe to say we won't be twiddling our thumbs, but we ARE going to make time to sit and enjoy the view along the way!

Monday, September 30, 2024

Making a House a Home

 The kids all came for a visit a few weeks ago. I absolutely treasure every moment when the house is full! They began arriving on Saturday and the last of them left out on Thursday. I neglected to get a group shot, but these two stole the show

My in-laws came on Tuesday. My MIL was turning 86 and although she never wants to celebrate her birthday, we did so in an understated way. No singing of Happy Birthday allowed (although when it's sung by a 3 yr old great granddaughter, it brings joy), but a day filled with family, good food, and great grandbabies made the day celebratory nonetheless. 

All hands on deck to feed the crowd

This little one melts my heart.

He's pretty lovable

We bought a table and chairs for the deck and with the help of the Director of Assembly, DH and our SIL were able to get it all put together


Good job buddy!

Grandbaby love is the absolute best

The first day I said, "Let's go to the barn" and without any prodding from me, she began to sing, "Old McDonald" and my heart melted. It melted a lot that week.

Champion egg gatherer

and chicken and guinea feeder

Horsey kisses are the best!

This sweet child has a wild mane and she does not like to have it combed

Uncle Ty-Ty was smitten with Baby L

Who can resist that face?!

Love this shot our girl captured

Yes, the tub was a happy place

As was the deck

The perfect way to begin the day

Mountain baby!

I walked out one morning and saw this

E exclaimed excitedly, "Gram! Pap and I saw a Mama bear...and a Daddy bear...and a baby bear!" 😂

These 2 cousins bonded over blocks

And books

and towers

And our hearts were filled to overflowing with each and every moment

We christened the property with grandbaby love and laughter for 5 days and began filling it with treasured memories that make a house a home

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