Hope everyone enjoyed a blessed Thanksgiving! Ours was quiet ~ just the 4 of us this year. After 20 years of marriage, it was the first time I ever roasted a turkey! DH either smokes our turkey each year or my Mom cooks it. This year I flew solo and hey, it was pretty darn good if I do say so myself. It just fell apart when DH tried to remove it from the roaster. There wasn't anything left to carve. So of course DD and I spent much of the morning in the kitchen, but I am not cooking today. Thanksgiving leftovers taste better the second time around anyway!
The boys bundled up and headed out in search of quail in the morning and came back victorious. If they keep this up, I'll be needing some new quail recipes.

While they were out, a strange, white fluffy substance began to fall from the sky. Yippee! Snow! Woo! Hoo! At the first sign of snow, I turn into a little kid. Suddenly the holiday spirit began to stir beneath my previous Scroogie-ness. I ran outside with camera in hand to capture the arrival of winter. My subjects didn't seem to relish it to the same extent as I did. They looked rather pitiful as they stood forlornly in the cold, wet weather. They seem to be questioning my sanity...or insanity as the case may be.

Back inside, the welcoming aroma of a Thanksgiving feast greeted my nose and we all gathered around to share our thankful thoughts and proceed to make ourselves miserable. Were y'all aware that there is actually a chemical in turkey that induces sleep? Honest, it's called Tryptophan. It's actually an amino acid (C11H12 N2O2 - see, I actually did pay attention in Chemistry class!). Well, the Turkey I bought had an extra dose. It was like turning out a light. Suddenly my arms and legs felt like lead. It was all I could do to drag myself into the kitchen and tend to the mountain of dishes. I had no choice. If I had left them unattended, they would have multiplied, taken over and staged a mutiny. The minute my head hit the pillow, I was out...for 2 hours! Just writing about it makes me feel...very...yawn!...sle..e..e..e..p..y... blame it on the leftovers!
Mmmm I love snow! and I love thanksgiving. So how cool is it that it snowed... on thanksgiving! :)
Me too! Now I'm holding out for a white Christmas! Think that's asking too much?
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