This week I've got a crew again so that always insures we'll have a busy weekend. With no help, this place keeps us hopping. We had a leak in the pens and leaks are always given priority.
These are the kinds of things lots of people don't care to tend to.
Staying on top of water and cockleburrs and fences along with the cattle are all in a day's work. If one part is neglected, it throws the whole operation off.
Its hard to find someone who's self motivated enough to stay on top of a multitude of ranch tasks without DH breathing down their necks. He's got enough to tend to and its nice when he doesn't have to tell people what needs to be done. And yes, some of it is not fun, but its a trade off and you've got to love the lifestyle. Its not all fun and games, but little in life is and the jobs we don't enjoy...well we do our best to make them fun and at the end of the day, we can close our eyes and know we are blessed.
On Sunday we loaded cattle to take to the sale barn. DH and I both took in a trailer load and I just planned on staying in and loading up on groceries since I would already be in town. And then I blew a tire:
Not fun under any circumstances, but that's especially the case when you're hauling a trailer load of cattle. That's the only photo you get because I was busy getting the spare and jack out before DH arrived.
It was actually a blessing though because DH was just a mile or so ahead of me and he came to the rescue. I've changed my share of tires, but never with a loaded trailer and I've fairly certain I wouldn't be able to operate the ancient jack that DH is so fond of. That thing scares me.
So it wasn't long before we were back in business and off to the sale barn. The grocery store was not much fun either, but I had a fairly long list and spent over $300. Doesn't look like $322.00 does it:
These are great bags and I find it funny that I found them in New Mexico. LOL. The checker loaded them up because $300 fit into 5 bags.
Our girl was home this weekend and she introduced us to the newest member of the family. Meet Harvey:
The child was lonely and apparently could not resist this face:
We shook our heads when she told us and she said she could see us rolling our eyes from across the state. And yes, we too, fell under his spell:

He's well behaved - at 11 weeks old, he is potty trained, fetches, sits and lays down on command. And yes, he is all Basset Hound:
He walked out to the barn with me when I was tending to chores, promptly found where DH had been shoeing horses, and claimed the treasure of a hoof and once he found it, he was not going anywhere without it: we really have to go?
It was a good weekend and we're ready to face another week of fall works. I had a small crew yesterday so I made cookies on Sunday, made them breakfast Monday morning, made fresh salsa, left them dinner in the crockpot, and went on in to work. Makes for a long day.
But my biscuits rose this mornig and I feel like I just might make it through the rest of the week.