And an anonymous comment came in saying they couldn't find a link to print my recipes. I'm sorry, but I have no idea how to add that. I'm in the process of moving over 34,000 photos from my ancient computer to an online source and it's taking forever, as in I've been working on it for over a week. Slowly, but surely and once I get through all of those files, I'll look into adding a recipe link...if it's free. :)
I've been able to sneak in a little time here and there and get some sewing done during the week. I've made a few more blocks for my Scrap Dance Waltz quilt:
And after work on Monday, I popped into Hobby Lobby to pick up a card and I ran into my quilting co-worker who is really my partner in crime when it comes to quilting and she dragged me into the fabric where she spotted this from afar. I think she has cute fabric radar:
A pretty, new addition to their collection as well as my stash, but it never even made it into my stash because I cut it up and started piecing yet another baby quilt. Such fun colors and I found fabrics for backing and binding in my stash:
The center came together in stolen moments too:

But most of my time has been spent bouncing over ranch roads with DH doing this:

We've been blessed with miles and miles of green grass in the pastures this summer, (almost makes us forget that we're in the desert)
but mineral runs still factor into our weekly list of things to tend to and it takes multiple days to get around to everything. The other day we were in town running errands before a board meeting and the lady at the vet supply store asked if we were on a date night. We laughed and I told her we were on our way to a board meeting, but any time with my sweetie is a date night and that includes mineral runs. That's a date night, ranch style. :) And it's probably going to include some plumbing
But we also get to discover new islands
spray mesquite and cockleburrs
Watch the native wildlife
Check in with the locals
Who seem to be pretty content these days
Crash a pool party
And soak up the blessings
It's a good way to spend the day
That is a very fun paisley! I can't believe how quickly you whip up cute baby quilts!
Oh, your date nights sound like so much fun! That is real living!! :)
Nice job on taking that fabric straight from shop shelf to quilt top!!
I love seeing all that green grass! The cattle will definitely put on some weight. I hope market prices are good for the grass-fed stock.
The colorful fabric is gorgeous. I can see it as a backing, too.
Can you tell me the fabric company this paisley was made by ? Maybe I can find some to buy online with the name of them.
Beautiful scenes of the "locals" enjoying the blessings of rain. I know ranch life is hard but you manage to find the beauty in all you do. Thanks for your inspirations!
Sounds like a great date to me!
Are you running circles around yourself? You're so busy and getting so much done! Makes me tired just reading it all.
Glad to see everything is ok your way, I too like the paisley. I like it for multiple uses. Love your captions. Always so fitting.
It's been far too long since I paid you a visit! I enjoyed seeing what you've been up to lately. :-) Thanks for sharing all these great photos. It's wonderful to see green pastures and fat cattle. I've been enjoying seeing it here too; although, I'm very sad to say, the city is gradually moving out into our area and this means less and less of that. What a blessing for you all to have all that green and water, though! :-)
This was a great post and gave me several smiles. I love your cute captions that you put with the pictures. Your locals are sure enjoying themselves at the pool party.! lol So good that you have lots of green grass this year. Thanks for bringing us up-to-date with your doings. Wish my date nights were as exciting as yours.
What a fun post! I want to crash the pool party too!
Beautiful quilt (Scrap Dance), great new fabric, and I love your locals, wet or dry. It's a delight to see all the green in your photos.
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