I've got 11 at Jackie's so those are a given, but I'm not going to list those here or this post will be never ending. As I share what I'm working on throughout the year, I'll publish those posts as "Under the Needle".
1. Four Corners: I set this one aside last year, but I'm not abandoning it. It's going to get made this year and putting that in writing will keep me accountable.
2. Scrappy Christmas Quilt: Our girl has already requested this one so I just may have to make 2
3. On Ringo Lake: I finished the 3rd clue a few days ago and clue 4 is currently 'under the needle'.
4. Scrap Dance Waltz: This is a previous mystery quilt from My Carolina Home and I'm making it in 30's
5. Blessings is the block exchange quilt I'm making with my Quilt Squad girls at the extension office this year - also using 30's fabrics and Kona Snow. I picked these 2 prints up at The Country Store Quilt Shop last week for my 12 blocks:
6. Sequoia: Our girl has recently made more than one quilt request and after going through my Pinterest quilt inspiration board, fabrics are being gathered for this quilt.
7. Bovine Babies: Another quilt requested by our livestock nutrition consultant. This is an old pattern that I tracked down when she insisted that a girl that has a Masters of Science in Ruminant Nutrition NEEDS a bovine baby quilt

She fussed at me over the holidays because she only had 2 quilts from me. It looks like she'll be adding a good number to that this year. :)
8. Sweetwater's Follow Your Heart Quilt - I rarely purchase kits, but I did cave and order this one so it makes the list

9. And a list of quilts I wish to make is not a list if it doesn't include a Miss Rosie quilt by Carrie Nelson. This year I hope to make Jellystone. I've got the scrappy fabrics cut out, but have yet to cut the neutrals:
10. And my quilt buddy and I are both hoping to make Jo's -from Jo's Country Junction - latest cover quilt
and last Friday we picked up some odds and ends (the top stack in the following photo) to fill in where our stash is lacking.
I haven't entirely committed to that last quilt as the first thing it says is to draw a diagonal line on each 1.25" ivory square...there are 1024 of them! Jo, if you read this...surely you didn't do that, did you? You just get entirely too much done to spend time drawing a gazillion lines and I think I recall you mentioning that you don't do that in your 'I won't do that' post a while ago. Still, my friend, C, is determined to make it and she's dragging me along...we may both lose our minds before this one gets done. :)